Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Real Estate Investing Via Millionaire Jumpstart #1

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Hi, it's Lou Brown. I am here to share with you what we're going to do at Millionaire Jumpstart. It's always so exciting. I love that event because I can show people how to build an amazing multimillion dollar business, and I'm right here in world headquarters and it's just so fun when I can show you and teach you how you can have an ongoing residual income business where you help people to end up with home ownership regardless of credit or financial background. And I'm just showing you a little bit about what your future can look like because you could actually build a business that operates without you being present. How cool is that, right? You can build a business and you don't have to be present because you have an amazing team of folks that helps you to fulfill and take care of others to end up with home ownership. So join me at the next millionaire jumpstart. Learn more at we have an amazing offer there, 50% of the normal rate. So please do join us! Yeah, baby!

Lou Brown has been buying, selling and holding property for 40 years and you are about to discover what a lot of so called gurus are missing.

* How to buy all the property you want without ever visiting a single bank or needing to qualify for a loan…

* How to have a buyer or renter before you even buy property…

* How to have them already pay you money before you sold them anything…

These are exactly the kinds of deals he does day in and day out. Most ‘investors’ are getting it wrong. It’s not about the property, it’s about the buyer. Buying right and buying cheap is what you’ll do after you have the buyer.

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Our Mission is to service our customers by creating and delivering a quality service, which is unique and valuable.

Our Mission is to listen to the customers who represent the marketplace.

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Our Mission is to provide outstanding value for money, to design and deliver quality and service unmatched by our competitors.

Our service, quality, reliability, responsibility, responsiveness, follow up, integrity and attention to detail all play a part in delivering our Mission.

#RealEstateInvesting #RealEstate #RealEstateForBeginners #PrivateMoney #FlippingHouses #Probate #AntFarm #LouBrown #StreetSmartInvestor

Street Smart®, Certified Affordable Housing Provider®, Path To Home Ownership®, The Whole Enchilada®, House Monster®, Millionaire Jump Start® and Louis Brown® are all Registered Trademarks owned by Trust Associates.

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