Tuesday, February 25, 2020


My crystal ball broke back in 2008, so I have no idea what exactly will happen.  I can however, talk with my brain trust of master mind real estate gurus located through out the country and see what is going on in their markets and I can be ready should the sky fall again.

The pendulum always swings back and forth so a correction is inevitable.  I don’t know that I would use the word plummet to describe our future pricing but a stall and maybe a slight decrease in some areas surely will occur.

If you live in a bubble market where prices are shooting up, then you are more likely to see a drop, where if you are in more steady non-volatile market, then you are more likely to witness a stall or slight correction and maybe no change at all.  The way to protect yourself it to make smart choices and work in the affordable home market.  People will always need a place to live.

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