Saturday, March 28, 2020

Constant Improving and Helping Others #31

Wendy shares the impact one of their friends had on them. He recently passed away. 

He loved his work, helping others and still worked in his 90's. 

He let Wendy know how much she meant to him before he passed away. It always touched her heart. 

It is important to think about people who have affected your life and let them know. It really changes your life outlook when you know how you improved other people's lives. 

The team share stories of how other people improved their lives. 

Who in your life has made a difference in your life? 

Carolina Capital is a hard money lender serving the needs of the “Real Estate Investor” and the "Small Builder" borrower who is striving to build wealth and generate income for themselves and their families. We offer “hard money rehab loans” and "Ground up Construction Loans" for investors only in NC, SC, GA, VA and TN (some areas of FL, as well). 

As part of our business practices, we also serve as consultants for investors guiding them to network with other investors and educating them in locating and structuring transactions. Rarely, if ever, will you find a hard money lender willing to invest in your success like Carolina Capital Management.
Wendy Sweet (00:04):
Hi, welcome to the show today. I'm Wendy Sweet. This is my
brother Bill Fairman and my other brother, Jonathan Davis. He's not really my
brother, but we feel that way don't we? I think so. So we just wanted to spend
some time today talking about, you don't know when this recording is, but
tomorrow is Valentine's day for us, right?
Bill Fairman (00:27):
Wait a minute. Carolina Capital Management, you can find
us at don't forget to like and share.
Wendy Sweet (00:36):
So, so he's hung up on that. He won't let me do it. I'm
gonna tell. So here, this is a really, really special time for us in
particular, we were really kind of thinking about what the topic should be and we've
got so much to choose from and you know, where do you start? But because it's
Valentine's day tomorrow, really started thinking a lot about relationships and
how important they are in our lives. So I really started thinking too, because
we just lost a really, really dear friend and mentor by the name of Claude
Stone. He is, Bill knew him first what? Over 20 years ago, right?
Bill Fairman (01:16):
Yeah. When I first started in the mortgage business, when
we were doing me calling on a borrower, and specifically I would call on a
mortgage broker because in those days, the companies that had the largest line
of credit was the biggest lender. So we had programs and we'd go to these
brokers and say, Hey, you know, we have these programs. You can put your
borrowers through our, our program and Claude, Oh man. One that ran one of the
companies that I used to call.
Wendy Sweet (01:47):
Yeah. Yeah. And he's, he's a man that started like a
bazillion businesses. He was the kind of guy that would take any kind of
business or any idea. He was a great visionary and he would find someone that
could run it and basically partner with them and start businesses. He did
everything. So cabinets, rehabbed houses, did the mortgage company. It would
just went on and on and on. All of the different things that he did and
everything he did, he did well. Hey, I met him a little bit after Bill did. And
one of the things I, loved so much about this guy's, he's blunt, very
opinionated unlike us and just wise, I mean he was, he was in his nineties and
worked until literally a month. No, he worked until about a month before he
passed till about a month ago. And I remember one day he pulled me aside, this
was, I don't know, seven or eight years ago and he said, you know, Wendy, you
really need to start dressing different. And I said, really? Cause you know,
you don't talk about what a girl wears. But I have to admit I was getting a
little sloppy and wear jeans and some t-shirts every now and again. He said,
you need to look like you are a management company for fun. You need, you need
to look like who you are. And I said, you are so right, Claude. You know, he,
he didn't make me mad at first I was a little bit, but that's right.
Wendy Sweet (03:23):
But he was just blunt and everything he did, we would
tease him too about how he was so old that he was here when, when Jesus walked
on the earth and we would call him ancient and, and just all these great,
wonderful things that we teased him about. But he was so, such a great mentor
to both bill and I. And what was really cool was that he, he just really cared
about us, made it really clear how he felt about us. And, and I thank God that
I did the same to him, that I let him know how much he meant to not only me,
but my brother bill and my kids. He knows my kids. You know, we used to all go
to the same meetings and my, my kids go to those meetings too, investor
meetings, so he got to know them.
Wendy Sweet (04:08):
He encouraged them. He was just a really great person. And
you know, another person I could bring up is JC Underwood. He passed just a few
months ago and you know, he's another guy that's just a solid walks with God
loves this business, loves helping other people. Had lots of different
companies but cared about your success. Yeah. So having just, you know, lost
these two great guys in our lives. I thought, wow, it would be a good time for
us to encourage others to, you know, the reason why we're talking about how
important these relationships are is because it's important for all of us to
think about who it is that's really made some changes in your world that's
affected what you do, whether it's family, business, spiritually, whatever, and
let them know what kind, what kind of changes they made. I, I have a, we have a
friend John Tom Olsen, who runs good success mastermind.
Wendy Sweet (05:09):
He had the people in his mastermind think of three people
that made a change in their life and had each of them write a note to that
person, reach out and text him. And I got some notes for those people. I felt
so good. I thought, wow. It totally, it changed my outlook, not only for the
day, but I mean I, I go back and I think about it constantly about how I was
able to affect somebody else's life. I can't believe I was able to do that. And
that might made me start thinking about, gosh, you know, I could do 150 of
those things that people that have changed my life. So Jonathan, who in your
life has made a difference? Can you, well, I wouldn't have to say most
recently. You and bill for sure. Oh wow. We didn't even pay for that one. Don't
we? Don't worry. Your job is really safe.
Jonathan Davis (05:59):
prior to coming in with you guys, I was only exposed to,
you know, the note buying and selling, you know, creating w-2 income for
yourself, those sorts of things. And you all have exposed me over the course of
several years now to more alternative investment strategies through buying
rental properties through self directed IRAs, just all those things. And that
has made a big difference for me and my family also. Sure. Awesome. So that's
definitely one. And I mean I have to, my wife, of course,
Wendy Sweet (06:35):
She is pretty awesome. He married up. Yeah, she's awesome.
Jonathan Davis (06:41):
No, she is definitely the key to my success and the
grounding that I need. Because, you know, we talked before, I don't know if
you're, bill and I talked about it, if you're in the for the smartest person in
the room, you're in the wrong room and you should, you should leave it there
for awhile. I enjoyed being the smartest person in the room and she reminds me
like, yeah, and that's not a really great room and you need to leave that one.
Jonathan Davis (07:08):
It definitely keeps me grounded.
Jonathan Davis (07:10):
It's a big part of our success.
Wendy Sweet (07:12):
Oh that's awesome. That's awesome. How about you bill?
Bill Fairman (07:15):
Yeah. If it is all about constantly trying to improve
yourself and at the same time lifting up others and now I'm going to have to
say, the first person that comes to mind with me is Dr. David Phelps. Now while
we kid him, cause he's a dentist and they're very introverted and he is one of
the biggest introverts. You'd never know it because he speaks in public all the
time, but he worked at it to become more comfortable speaking in public. And
what he's done for me. And it's funny, David and I do not have very long
conversations together. We don't communicate constantly either. But what David
has been able to do for me is surround me by others who have constantly have
lifted me up and given me the opportunity to better myself, I don't want to say
trained, but I learned from his speaking coach, the person that made him more
comfortable in front of folks, not how just to feel comfortable but also
communicate better through his mentoring. The people that have been in his, I
guess you call it sphere, influence, one of the greatest influencers. And I have
so many people within that group that have touched me somehow to better myself
in life and in business. I can't thank him enough for that just for exposing me
to that group. So
Wendy Sweet (08:49):
yeah, I've, I've always talked about how knowing David
Phelps has really made a difference. Being in that collective genius mastermind
has made a difference. You know, business wise and spiritually. It's kinda
funny cause a lot of the people that are also lifting me up spiritually are
also in those groups. And it's kinda, yeah, it's pretty awesome that, you know,
I don't have to stop being one person and start being another. It's, it's all
one, you know, and you don't have to be a chameleon. That's the truth. That's
the truth. And I, you know, I'm always attracted, I'm sorry I'm interrupting
you, but the people that come to my mind are, are, are, you know, Glenn
Stromberg, Tom Olson, you know, Randy Lawrence is another person that these are
all people who are really spiritually grounded. There's a local guy here in
town by the name of Paul Olson. Tom and Paul are not related, but he is like
the most grounded spiritual person I've ever met. I've, I've never seen anybody
have the patients that he has and truly, you know, asks for God to just direct
him in every single thing he does and to watch how things are showered on him and
blows my mind. Darren Brocklebank is another one that I'm just amazed at his
walk. I like watching their walk and seeing how they're, they're walking in
faith with their business and, and God just showers things on there. She's not
watching him walk. Yeah. Metaphorically.
Wendy Sweet (10:26):
I think they get it. So, uh, the thing about Paul Olson
too, he said something to me the other day that I thought was really funny. He
was talking about a deal that he was doing on these duplexes. There's like
three of them that he was building in this area of town that's right on the
edge near South park, right on the edge of just turn it into real high ritzy
place. But maybe is, maybe it isn't. And the city has been fighting him on
allowing him to build the certain things that he was building on these duplexes
that he was building on these properties. And he never got upset about it. He's
been patient. It was a year and a half. And finally they wouldn't approve the
four units he was trying to do, but they would approve three. So in that year
and a half though, having those three approved, now that area has absolutely
exploded. And instead of making, you know, selling them at 450 a piece, once
they're done, now they're up in the $900,000 range. And it couldn't happen to a
better guy. I mean, so he's sitting, unless he says yet God has been teaching
me supernatural patients, I love that. I thought that was kinda cool, but
Bill Fairman (11:37):
I wanted to go back to that chameleon thing and having to
put on a different face to be in different groups. One of the things that these
groups that we're in basically tell us to do, and we learned this, there is,
don't be the chameleon be who you are. That's right. Because eventually you're
only going to attract people that are like you. And if you are constantly who
you are, then what ends up happening in not just life, but in business, you're
going to repel the people that you don't need to be around the headaches for
sure. And you're going to track the ones that you do because you are who you
are and you're not deviating do not try to be everything to everyone.
Wendy Sweet (12:25):
That's exactly right. But the point of this whole talk
really is think of who in your life has made a difference. Think of someone in
your life that's made a difference in your business, someone in your family and
someone in your spiritual walk and thank them. Tell them, let them know the
changes that they've done for you, the changes, the things that they've made
you look, look at and, and the changes that you've made in your life because of
the influence that they've made on you. Because it'll, it'll absolutely send
them soaring and, and they'll do more. That's what's really cool. They'll
spread that out to others too.
Bill Fairman (13:02):
Well with Tom made the exercise, Tom had you do with it.
Send people the notes. Yeah. I'm thinking my note was going to be, I'm going to
be part of the 10 biggest mistakes people make. Thanks. You've been, influenced
my life.
Wendy Sweet (13:19):
Don't send them notes. You really stink and I don't really
want to be around you anymore. Yeah, that's probably not, not wise, but just
think about that. So you've spent another great opportunity here with us today
to listen to our great wisdom.
Bill Fairman (13:33):
Yes. In other words, translation, we've been bloviating
you for several minutes, that's a $5 word right there. Hopefully you got something
out of it. And so join us again. So when we bloviate some more, don't forget to
like and share is how you can get a hold of us. Look for
our other links. Yes. So we have archives because there's a lot of good videos
around and you need to check them all out, right? So I'm less bloviating. Have
a wonderful day.
Speaker 4 (14:14):
Bill Fairman (14:14):
so thank you so much for joining us. If you really like
what you heard, you want to see some more switch over here or here or perhaps
there. There's more episodes, but they're somewhere. Click it on there. Either
way. Subscribe and like us as well.



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