Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner 2 PM

Once again, in today’s episode, Jay Conner is joined by a power couple in real estate investing, Crystal and Dan Mewhorter.

Crystal and Dan are back once more to talk about their recent deal. Just like their previous deals, this one is funded without using any of their own money. What’s more exciting about this is the profit of over $100,000 just on this one deal!

The couple is going to talk about how they found the deal, what kind of marketing they used to find the deal, the purchase price, estimated profit, and everything that you need to learn to be successful in Real Estate Investing.

If you want to learn how to get funding for your deals using private money, get on over  for 30 days of free access to Private Money Academy.

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Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $64,000 per deal.

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Jay Conner (00:05):
Well, hello there my friend? This is Jay Conner, the Private Money Authority, and welcome to another show and episode of Real State Investing with Jay Conner here on the show. We talk about all things real estate, from how to find deals, how to get them funded, how to sell them fast, how to automate your business. And we talk all we talk about all kinds of real estate deals, single family houses, commercial deals self storage land, et cetera. However, most of the time we do talk about single family houses and how to do the business. So, first of all, if you’re brand new to the show, a very special welcome why in the world am I called the Private Money Authority? Well, back in 2009, after I had been investing in a single family houses here in Eastern North Carolina, for 6 years, I got cut off from the banks with no notice.

Jay Conner (01:04):
And I knew I had to find a better and quicker way to get my deals done. So when I say private money, I’m not talking hard money. I’m talking about not relying on banks, mortgage, mortgage companies, traditional lenders for any of our funding for our deals. So not hard money, hard money is typically a brokerage. Private money is doing business with individuals, just like you or me. Borrowing money from them from their investment capital or, and or their retirement accounts. And if you haven’t heard about self-directed IRAs, you definitely want to learn about that because my wife, Carol Joy and I, we right now have 40 some private lenders loaning money to us on our deals. And over half of them are using their retirement accounts to fund our deals. So whether you are a seasoned real estate investor, or a brand new real estate investor, and you have never done a deal before in either case, I know you can use more funding for your deals.

Jay Conner (02:07):
So I have got a free that’s right, free offer for you to come join me for the first 30 days to check out what we call the Private Money Authority, or rather the yes, the Private Money Academy membership and at the Private Money Academy membership here, we I’m live at least twice a month doing training on how to get funding for your deals and finding deals and et cetera. So here’s how you can take advantage of signing up for free for the first 30 days, just to check it out and see how you like it. Come on over to Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner 2 PM. Again, that’s

Jay Conner (03:02):
And Hey, if you are tuning in with us from iTunes or any of the other platforms, we really appreciate for you to subscribe and rate and review and like, and share we’re on YouTube, Facebook, and all the podcasts. Well, as like many other shows, since we launched the show, I’ve got some very special guests today that are going to talk about one of their recent deals without using any of their own money to fund the deal. And we’re talking profits of over $100,000, just on this one deal. We’re going to talk here in a second. We’re going to just like carve this deal up. We’re going to talk about how they found the deal. So what kind of marketing did they use? We’re going to talk about the purchase price that does have rehab what the profit is looking like what kind of marketing that they use to find this deal and everything about it so that you can learn how to duplicate deals, just like this in your own home market, wherever you invest. So with that, let’s bring onto the show right here, right now, Crystal and Dan Mewhorter. Hey crystal. Hey Dan. Welcome to the show.

Crystal Mewhorter (04:13):
Hey Jay.

Dan Mewhorter (04:13):
Hey Jay.

Jay Conner (04:13):
Hello. Hello. Tell everybody where you all are located.

New Speaker (04:17):
We’re in Virginia, near Virginia Beach Chesapeake, Norfolk out that way,

Jay Conner (04:22):
Right? And your total area that you invest in is about what size population?

Crystal Mewhorter (04:30):
Oh gosh. We’ve, adjusted over time. So I guess it’s it’s up around 860,000

Jay Conner (04:38):
Good size, So let’s let everybody know. Crystal and Dan that we met each other a few years ago and in fact met at each other at a real estate investing conference. And at that conference you enrolled into my, Where To Get The Money Now System. And from there y’all came to one of my live events. You all became one of my Platinum coaching clients, Mastermind students. And since that time in a very short period of time, y’all have a mass like about a hundred houses in your inventory. Right?

Crystal Mewhorter (05:16):
That’s correct.

Jay Conner (05:17):
That’s all awesome. So you keep some and you flip some, right?

Crystal Mewhorter (05:21):
Absolutely. Yeah. So our inventory ranges anywhere from 80 and 90 plus that we sell on rent to own. Am I echoing on your end? Okay, perfect. And then the other portion is fixed and flipped, so that can vary anytime. So anywhere from 10 to 20% go through fix and flip process where we, we moved them out of the inventory quickly.

Jay Conner (05:45):
Right. So just in this past 12 month period, or so how many deals are you doing? How many houses?

Crystal Mewhorter (05:56):
In the last 12 we did? We did 60.

New Speaker (06:04):
62 63. Something like that. 62 or 63 deals.

Crystal Mewhorter (06:09):
About 63. Yeah.

Jay Conner (06:10):
So over 60 deals over 60 houses and in the past year. So to do that number of houses, you must have like a really large payroll and team. And a lot of people working with you, what’s your what’s your payroll look like? Or how many people, you know, you got on your payroll?

Crystal Mewhorter (06:30):
Well, technically on our payroll, if you will, we really only have one person that works directly with us. Of course, the two of us were full-time. We both left our careers. So we’re, full-time in the business. We don’t work that business full-time by any means, but so we have one person that does the majority of things, and then we have a variety of other services that we employ. But we’re pretty lean. We don’t have a whole lot going on out there.

Jay Conner (06:58):
You can make over a million dollars a year with a very small staff.

Crystal Mewhorter (07:02):
Absolutely. As long as you know what to do and you have the right tools. Right. And that what you taught us.

Jay Conner (07:08):
Something like that. So just to let everybody know, you’re on the show. Crystal and Dan both worked with me in the business on the coaching end and also on service deliverables. Crystal helps me with coaching calls, accountability calls. And so we worked together on coaching real estate, investing students who are either brand new or they want to take their business to the next level. And so the reason, as I said, we’ve got crystal and Dan on is I want them to talk about one of their recent deals that they got in the works. So I’ll turn it over to you y’all, tell us about this deal.

Crystal Mewhorter (07:44):
Sure. So the deal came to us through our Facebook marketing. So an actual paid ad yeah, this one was one of the paid ads that called into us and, and reach out and said that they needed help. We were originally contacted by it was a couple they divorced many years ago. So the male he had reached out to us and said, you know, they really had to make a decision. There’s been ongoing issues with the house, but at this point it’s progressed and that they were looking for an option to be able to allow her to move on. So a little bit more of the backstory is just that through the divorce process, they have children together. And as we all know, there can be challenges on how all the financials are handled. So they were really struggling as far as having enough finances to be able to maintain the house, take care of all the expenses, obviously raise their kids.

Crystal Mewhorter (08:41):
And they, and of course have two separate households. So subsequently I spoke with the the woman who lives in the house and we had a really lovely conversation and she just expressed that at this point, she’s just done too. She, to me, that there was a lot that needed to be done. She wasn’t even sure what all. but she knew that it needed a roof, which was what we understood before we had actually physically seen the house. She didn’t explain a lot of what was going on with the roof, but there’s once we saw it, that’s a pretty major problem. So at this point, her objective was to be able to move on. So both of them to be to eliminate the issue of having to continue to pay for repairs on this house, the inability to maintain it.

Crystal Mewhorter (09:27):
Obviously while we all may know that houses can be an appreciating asset, they are not appreciating assets when they’re falling into pieces. So this is one of those, unfortunately, so three to little over 1400 square foot. She, she had just expressed to me that if she could move on, move into an apartment and then she subsequently would like to relocate beyond this time, once her kids are a little bit older. So for her to just get that piece done would really be super helpful. So we did indeed set up a time to go see the house understanding that 60,000 were owed on the house. And at that point, of course, we had no idea for repairs, but we knew these people were really, really flexible cause they need help. So we went to the house unfortunately even from the exterior, it was apparent as to the disrepair. So there were problems with the fascia, the soffit, it was clear that there were issues with the windows and the, and the roof and the landscaping had gotten, you can’t call it landscaping. The yard had gotten out of hand including like a tree growing through the meter pipes. So, you know, somebody that really is a need and just doesn’t have that second, you know, both income and set of hands. Obviously doesn’t have anybody around who’s handy. So just from the exterior, we knew it was in tremendous disrepair

Jay Conner (10:54):
had it been vacabte for a while?

Dan Mewhorter (10:55):
It’s not, they’re living in it. That’s the really hard part.

Jay Conner (10:58):
Are both of them living in it?

Crystal Mewhorter (11:01):
No, that’s the challenge. She resides there. She does not have any secondary income, but that she has residually from having been part of the marriage. And then he resides and has another, has sensory married. So he has another household.

Jay Conner (11:18):
Okay. Well, let’s back up before we get into the actual all the figures. I mean, I’ve already told everybody up front that profits are going to be over a hundred thousand dollars, but we’ll carve it up here in a second. So let’s go back to step-by-step your all’s criteria for deciding and how you decide and get the information on whether you should even go to look at a house, obviously on this, when you decided to go look at the house, so let’s go back, step one, you got Facebook ads targeted there in your market. And so you have a potential seller that responds to that ad. How do they respond to that? What’s the mechanism that they communicate to you from Facebook?

Dan Mewhorter (12:06):
So we have a CRM in place that when they respond to the added directly feeds into this software, that sends us an email message and a text message saying that they’re interested.

Jay Conner (12:20):
All right. So they fill out information, contact information, your texted, your emailed and your software automatically responds to them in about a minute or two, right?

Crystal Mewhorter (12:33):

Jay Conner (12:33):
So there’s, nothing falling through there in the cracks that, you know, they don’t feel like they’re being ignored. And so then initially who actually talks to these people or attempts to get them on the phone,

Crystal Mewhorter (12:46):
Our acquisitionist actually texts them immediately and calls them, sets up a time to talk to them on the phone.

Jay Conner (12:52):
All right. So now what is your what’s the responsibility of your acquisition is, and how far through the negotiation process does your acquisitionist take the negotiation.

Crystal Mewhorter (13:04):
She’s bit newer to our team than perhaps, like say some others. So she is gathering information. She asks a few key questions just to find out obviously motivation. What’s the situation with the house, et cetera. She has the responsibility of getting some of the early figures, i.e How much do they own the house? What’s your monthly payments look like? What are they willing to take? She takes down all that information. And then of course, she looks up the property to help identify for us before, of course our CMA. Cause we will require a CMA in order to make a final decision. But she early on takes a look at the value of the property with some software that we have for you so that she can identify what potential may be there.

Jay Conner (13:47):
Right. And just to make sure everybody knows what we’re talking about, tell everybody what is a CMA?

Crystal Mewhorter (13:52):
Comparative market analysis, lets us know what the value of the house is. And in our case, of course it’s actually an ARV or an after repaired value when the house is not in perfect condition. So that would, we’re actually asking the realtor for a value once it’s actually rehabbed and in excellent condition.

Jay Conner (14:11):
Right? So your acquisitionist gets the initial information on the property, they get for you. And I guess they’re putting it into your software that you and Dan and the whole team use to communicate with each other as far as what’s going on with a potential deal. Right?

Crystal Mewhorter (14:30):

Jay Conner (14:30):
So at that point, the acquisitionist has gotten all the initial information and what we mean by that is the mortgage information, how much is owed what’s the monthly payment. And so you see that information. So once you get that information, how do you know at what time? Yeah, I need to get my realtor to me. What the after repaired value is assuming it’s all fixed up. When do you do that?

Crystal Mewhorter (14:56):
We do at once. We’ve had a conversation with the seller and we determine what’s their motivation. And does it look like we have opportunity for there to be a deal? So we don’t ask our realtor to be running after repaired values on every property that comes across our desk, because until we’ve had that next conversation, I really just don’t know what these people would be willing to consider.

Jay Conner (15:16):
Right. So do you go look at the property before you get the CMA from your realtor or after?

Crystal Mewhorter (15:24):
We look at it after, we look at the property after we get the CMA, we want to confirm that we’re really all on the same page. I don’t want to run around and look at properties all day. I mean, as much as I sort of enjoy that piece, I don’t have the time for that. So I don’t look at properties until we’re all pretty on the same page. I know what they’re willing to do. I know that we can make this turn into a deal, and we can move forward from there. We may not be at absolute final negotiation, which of course we’re not because we haven’t even gone out and seen it, but I know we’re pretty darn close. We’re all in the same ballpark.

Jay Conner (16:02):
So you all are seeing what looks like a potential spread. And when we say spread, okay, depending on what repairs they want to be, looks like what this house could be worth, assuming excellent condition. We know what the payoff is. And they initially tell you that they would sell for payoff.

Crystal Mewhorter (16:22):
So dealing with two different people that evidently you have not been in much communication with one another, they both expressed that they don’t converse if you will. So I had to work through one party, determine what they thought they felt like they could, could take payoff, but they weren’t sure. And it’d be nice if they could get a little bit, but they weren’t even sure about that because they aren’t really been aware of really the condition of the property haven’t been there in years. Second person expressed. Absolutely. I would take it. I don’t know what he’d be willing to take, but I have to get out of here. I need to get my kids out of here. I don’t want to keep living like this. So I had a pretty firm idea that we could get pay off or close to pay off.

Jay Conner (17:06):
Right. So, you know, in a lot of these such as, not a lot. In all situations when there is a current mortgage, of course I say not current. I mean, it could be behind, were the payments behind or the payments current?

Crystal Mewhorter (17:18):
Payments are current.

Dan Mewhorter (17:20):
The payments are current.].

Jay Conner (17:22):
So whenever, so everybody don’t miss this point, whenever there’s a mortgage that would want to automatically trigger you to talk about and negotiate what we call buying subject to the existing note or mortgage. And if you don’t know what that is, then we got a bunch of shows already previously that talks about buying subject to the existing note. But bottom line is the seller agrees to leave the mortgage in their name. And we agree to make their payments until we find another buyer to cash everybody else out. So how did the conversation go on buying subject to the existing note? Because my best guess is that’s where you started.

Crystal Mewhorter (18:00):
That’s exactly where I started. In fact, I just negotiated one of those today. This is not that one. So we had that conversation. The challenge is the mortgage is in both of their names while it remains in place. And the property remains within one of their hands. You know, the party that’s supposed to occupy, they are equally responsible for repairs. So the burden, even just to know that it’s out there, the burden of that was overwhelming to both. So to cash it out and to know that they were done was far more important to them than the consideration of whether or not, you know, they could leave it in their name for a period.

Jay Conner (18:35):
So if you can’t buy it or they won’t sell to you on subject to the existing note, which is another is one of the categories of what we call buying on terms, then where do you get the funding for it?

Dan Mewhorter (18:47):
Private Money.

Jay Conner (18:48):

Crystal Mewhorter (18:48):
Private center that’s itching to get their money working. So we’re happy to happy to oblige.

Jay Conner (18:55):
That’s right. So is this a new private lender?

Crystal Mewhorter (18:59):
It’s an existing lender who came back up.

Jay Conner (19:02):
Okay. Very good. Meaning you are, they had already invested money or loan money to y’all’s entity, and you sell the property, cash them out and now they want to go do it again.

Crystal Mewhorter (19:13):
Yep. They’re ready to keep going.

Jay Conner (19:16):
All right.

Crystal Mewhorter (19:17):
This is good timing.

Jay Conner (19:17):
So you go out of the house and let’s hear about repairs.

Crystal Mewhorter (19:22):
Yeah, So. This is the tough part, and I’ll be honest. I’m not typically a softie, but I do care very much about people don’t get me wrong, but I try to keep business, business numbers always speak to me. The numbers still work. So that’s all good, but it was tough for me. This, the condition of the property is pretty bleak. So all flooring, kitchen needs to be gutted, bathrooms need to be gutted, all windows.

Jay Conner (19:49):
How many square feet is it?

Crystal Mewhorter (19:49):
1400. It’s not a big deal.

Jay Conner (19:52):
Average size first time home buyer house.

Crystal Mewhorter (19:55):
Yeah, perfect. Yeah. Like really fits our market in terms of being able to resell it perfectly. And is in a great neighborhood for that. You know, sits in a cul-de-sac. I mean, it’s just really quite, it’s an ideal setting, but everything’s gonna need to be done. Like I said, all exterior there’s rot around the base of the windows on the front. Definitely needs a roof. And when we got inside and we were walking through there’s multiple roof leaks with mold, so they have buckets sitting around their house. That was tough for me. They have kids that live there. And one of the rooms has multiple beds and there’s a bucket on the bed. That breaks my heart. So Dan doesn’t even know I did this yet, but I called them to see if I could send somebody over to see if we could at least tarp it for now, I mean, I don’t even care.

Crystal Mewhorter (20:48):
I just don’t want the, I don’t want them to live like that. It just breaks my heart. So and several other issues, like they’ve had lighting that wouldn’t, hasn’t been on for years. So they have lamps in spaces where there normally be lights. Dan actually fixed that I think. Probably not long-term but flipped a breaker. So they have some lights. It probably will go back out. I’m sure there’s a bigger issue. But so I mean, it’s pretty extensive. We can salvage the tubs. But for the most part, everything else has to go. They haven’t used almost any of the closets because for years as per her because they are moldy and they don’t want to open them. So.

Jay Conner (21:27):
Dan, you have a thought?

Dan Mewhorter (21:31):
No, I just thought. I’m so sorry.

Jay Conner (21:31):
So the they’re willing to sell to you for payoff, which is about 60,000.

Crystal Mewhorter (21:42):

Jay Conner (21:42):
So you’re estimating the total repairs at how much?

Crystal Mewhorter (21:45):

Jay Conner (21:47):
Right. So they’ll sell for pay off, which is 60,000 repairs of 60,000. So all the way on until Murphy shows up as in the unexpected. You’re going to be somewhere around $120,000 invested in this house. And so your realtor comes back and says, okay, I’ll fixed up this house and property should be worth how much?

Crystal Mewhorter (22:10):
Well, my realtor says it’s worth more than I think it’s worth, but we’re going with 250.

Jay Conner (22:15):
Well, typical height, I think 250 works. If you’ve got an after repaired value that you can list it for or sell it for two 50 and you got to know you’re going to buy for 60 at pay off and 60 on the rehab, that’s about $130,000 profit. So don’t have to take that one to the committee right?

Crystal Mewhorter (22:35):
No. And I will say that we’ve already decided that, because of course we don’t know when Murphy and this one, this one’s got a lot going on. So until we have, you know, inspection, everything else, I don’t know everything, but I can’t imagine we’re going to get in too horribly, much deeper. There’s not a whole lot else to replace. But we’d like to give the seller something, we’ll give them some money on this one where I can’t, they gotta come out with something. I know that they didn’t intend for this to go that way. So,

Jay Conner (23:15):
Well, there’s a lesson learned in that. I was talking to somebody not long ago and and they said, well, you know, Jay business is business, and I merely replied, no business is not business. Business is people. And people determine what the numbers are, what the business is. And so right there is a perfect example of how both of you, Dan and Crystal, you got a servant’s heart you’re looking at doing what’s right. What’s fair to all concerned, even an occasion right here where they’re not asking for any more money. Right?

Crystal Mewhorter (23:55):

Dan Mewhorter (23:55):

Jay Conner (23:56):

Crystal Mewhorter (23:57):
No, we’ve always said, and you and I have talked about this before. It’s all about relationship, every aspect of everything you do. And I, how can you consciously walk in or out of a relationship and not really look at what’s going on with all parties? So it’s important to do the best you can to do the right thing.

Jay Conner (24:16):
Well, and you know the secret of what you’re doing there is giving. I mean, how much are you thinking about giving them if you know, some unexpected, you know, it doesn’t show up.

Crystal Mewhorter (24:28):
I mean, if something unexpected doesn’t show up, I would consider 30 or more grand to split between the two of them. If something unexpected shows up, at least I’m, I would consider as 20. So they each walk away with 10. Even if, you know, our end goes kablooey! We’re still going to come out ahead.

Jay Conner (24:48):
Well, you know my dad told me many years ago, he says, Jay, you already know the right thing to do without somebody telling you what the right thing is to do. So let’s talk about exit strategy for a moment before we wrap up this episode. So you are all like me, you all sell homes, different ways. Some of them, you put in the multiple listing service with your realtor, you sell them, you cash out, you go, again, some of them, you settle on rent to own where you help people actually go ahead and move into the home, help them get a mortgage, you know, down the road a few months or a year or so. And then they cash out. What’s your intention on this position of this property.

Crystal Mewhorter (25:33):
Plan is MLS. We’ll go ahead and list it with our realtor, let her sell it and go from there. So, obviously we’ll pay some out as everybody knows. When we do that, as opposed to when we sell it rent to own, that looks different. We actually have three that are in process that should be cash out any day now, if COVID, wasn’t so slow causing everything to be so slow, I should say.

Jay Conner (25:56):
That’s awesome. So as we wrap up, let’s brainstorm on some lessons learned from this case study, if you will, it’s a real life case study. So let’s just go around the room lessons learned from this deal, and I’ll go first and then Crystal and then Dan. And I’ll see if I got anything else left. So my first lesson learned from this case study is if you didn’t have Private Money Already relined up, ready to do deals, you’d be missing out on this deal. Right?

Crystal Mewhorter (26:28):

Jay Conner (26:29):
All right. Crystal, second lesson learned.

Crystal Mewhorter (26:33):
That’s a tough one. I mean, there’s always, gosh knows. I’m sure I could think of 25, but you put me on the spot. The cell it’s all about, it’s all about people dealing with people. So to be honest, I’m not sure that if we weren’t coming at this from the heart space, that the same response would have been true. i.e I’m genuinely concerned about these people in their situation. We want to fix it, that’s what Dan and I do. That’s I truly believe why people choose to work with us over someone else. Oftentimes. So for me, it’s really just having a very keen awareness of how valuable relationship is, and coming from that heart space.

Jay Conner (27:17):
And I promise you, people can tell where we’re coming from. They can tell.

Crystal Mewhorter (27:23):

Jay Conner (27:24):
Dan, lesson learned from this one.

Dan Mewhorter (27:27):
I’d have to say, having the correct type of advertising and getting yourself in the right spot at the right time. I mean, there’s a million real estate investors out there in the world, but they don’t all advertise the same way. They don’t come across as big of a servant’s heart as we do, and our communications with them. But knowing how to advertise correctly is definitely the winner on this.

Jay Conner (27:49):
Yeah. And as you mentioned, this one came in from a Facebook ad where you were offering to buy someone’s house without having to list it with a realtor, or do you remember the specific, unique selling proposition or the unique call to auction or offer in the Facebook ad? Cause I know all, you know, you all, and I, we have different types of Facebook ads,

Dan Mewhorter (28:13):
Right? So this one was just a full price. We buy full price and we sell, you know, we can buy quickly with no closing costs or fees. So save your equity. If you have any, or keep you from having to pay out of pocket when you do sell, that was kind of it in a nutshell. So but had a nice picture of us on the front.

Jay Conner (28:36):
I love it. Well, you actually said the one I was, so I’m not going to try to top you,

Dan Mewhorter (28:44):
Can I add one more? And that is, you know, I think an important lesson that we don’t all think of is, and in reality, yes, we’ll make some adjustments to this, but it’s still really important. And that is, don’t be afraid to ask if they’ll take what they owe, even if they’re, if that doesn’t look like a reasonable answer, because sometimes circumstances and speed are far more important to a person than just whatever value it is that you’ve identified in your mind. So just don’t be afraid to ask those questions.

Jay Conner (29:15):
Yeah. Well, and the opposite side of that is true as well, which does not pertain to this particular scenario. But what I had discovered over many, many years, is the first figure someone tells you, even when they say that’s the last, that’s the, you know, I will take one penny less than X number. What I’ve discovered is, sellers don’t know what will take until they are given an offer.

Crystal Mewhorter (29:45):
Absolutely. Yep.

Jay Conner (29:45):
I mean, I’m thinking of one in particular. They started out at 80,000 a year in my market. My acquisition is can only get them down to 60, not a penny, less. We met them in person. We offered 20, which was 60,000 than the original 40,000 less than won’t take one penny less than 60. So again, make the offer, make the offer, make the offer. Crystal and Dan, thank you so much for joining me here again on another episode of Investing with Jay Conner.

Crystal Mewhorter (30:18):
Thanks for having us. it was fun.

Jay Conner (30:20):
All right. Thank you, Dan, thank you Crystal. And we’ll be talking soon. So listen folks, thank you for joining in here. Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner, I’m Jay Conner, the Private Money Authority. wishing you all the best here’s to taking your real estate investing business to the next level. And remember get right on over right now to And I’ll see you inside the Private Money Academy. We’ll see you there.

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