Thursday, December 3, 2020

Wealth Builder's Workshop - $1 - Real Estate Investing - Millionaire Jum...

Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.

* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.

* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.

* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.

* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.

* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.

Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!

Call 1-800-578-8580


Hi! It’s Lou Brown. Have you bought into the lie, that if you don’t have good credit or massive down payment that you can’t buy a house or invest in real estate? Well, I’m here to tell you that that’s absolutely not true. You absolutely can buy a property and you could buy it either with zero down or even the seller pays you, to buy their home. Now I’ve been doing this for over 40 years and right now is an incredible time to be interested in this business of real estate. The reason I say that is I’m going into my fifth real estate cycle. So as we look at cycles and we’ve all heard the term that real estate is cyclical. Well, it certainly is. And one of the reasons it’s cyclical is because we see the banks ebb and flow in the type of financing that they do, and there’s crashes and burns in the economy.

And all of a sudden there’s winners and losers. And when those occur there’s opportunity and never before, have we seen such an opportunity facing us. We’ve got millions of folks right now that are hurting, that haven’t been able to make their payments sooner or later, the banks are going to foreclose. And when they do, Oh my goodness! It’s going to be tremendous opportunity for us to buy those homes. But wait, there’s more, there’s a way to buy those homes before the bank even forecloses. And there’s a way to buy those homes by taking over that existing financing on the property, so that you don’t have to go to the bank and you don’t have to qualify for a loan. Now, I’ve never been to the bank and I’ve never qualified for a loan on a single family or a small multi-family property. So, I’m definitely someone that can witness to you, explain to you, show you exactly what to do and exactly how to do it, because we found the street smart way to invest in real estate is to stay out of banks.

And by that, I mean that we can solve people’s problems and solve our own needs as well. By learning some techniques and some tools and some training and some technology that just doesn’t exist out there in the other world, in the other world of education. So I’m going to educate you. I’m going to make this available to you. It’s a one day workshop. We call it wealth builder workshop, and I’m going to give you a 99% discount. How about that? So in other words, it’s typically $99 for the day, and I’m going to make this available to you for $1. Now, why would I do that? Well, it’s simply to let you know who I am, what I do, how I operate, how I teach so that you can get a true sample of the education that I have to offer for you. And during that workshop, I’m going to give you an incredible amount of education.

In fact, I’m going to give you a success pack that you can download. It’s going to have some forms, and it’s going to give you some things that we’re going to do during the class. So you’re going to have takeaways, ahas. You’re going to have an action plan. You’re going to have a calendar. There’s going to be steps that you’re going to take as a result of going to this one day workshop. So it is chock-a-block full. We have a networking session before we get started, and then I start and I teach and I teach and I teach all the way up to we end. And then we’re going to go into even a happy hour session so that you can ask questions and connect with other members of the audience. It’s a full day of education. I’m going to teach you how to buy right, how to buy cheap, but most importantly, how to find a customer for that property, before you even buy the property.

And then I’m going to talk to you about the difference between wholesaling and holding long-term and how you can make a little bit of money, or you could make a whole lot of money, and it’s going to be real live examples. It’s going to be things that you can take away, real numbers that you can sink your teeth into. You’re going to understand, it’s not theoretical. We’re going to go step by step through the process. And in fact, I’m going to end the day with protecting all that you create using trusts, land trusts and personal property trust. So there’s some deep education that I’m going to share with you. And I’m looking forward to seeing you at the one day wealth builder workshop. Now you’re going to see the details right here, and it’s going to cost you a grand total of $1. And I hope you’ll find that it was worth many hundreds of thousands of times, that investment. So I’m looking forward to being the best return on investment you’ve ever had. And my name is Lou Brown, been at this game for over 40 years, and I look forward to seeing you soon. Yeah, baby!

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