Friday, April 9, 2021

Behind the Scenes / Member Orientation - Note Investing 101 Ready to peek behind the curtain and see why the Note Investing Tools membership - which only opens twice a year - is the hottest ticket in the note world? On Tuesday, April 6th, 1:00 pm EST we are going to do a rare ‘walk-thru’ for new members. Who is this session for? Our guess is that you are one of two people... 1. You are already a new member. - The membership has hundreds of videos and downloads all geared to build your note business from the ground up. Where do you start? What turn-key tools can you implement today? This walk-through will show you everything. 2. You are on the fence about becoming a member. - Assuming you are reading this when the doors are open and there are spots available (again, that only happens twice a year) you are going to get a rare walk-through of the membership. You get to see, first hand, what only members have access to. And, since this walk-through is LIVE, you can ask questions in real-time! Even if you are not looking to join the membership - this will give you a great overview of what it takes to be a note investor - and what information you want access to - going forward. See you online. Timestamp: 0:12 - Introduction: Walk-Thru for New Members 2:05 - The Library of Different Modules 6:55 - Note Investing Tools (The Main Hub) 16:55 - Member Webinars 18:50 - Note Mastermind 19:48 - Creating Notes Masterclass 20:47 - How To Calculate Cash Flows 21:34 - Finding Cash Flow Notes 22:35 - Flipping Notes 24:00 - Lead Funnels 25:29 - Directory of Note Buyers 25:35 - T-Value 25:59 - Cash Flow Expos 28:44 - Discovering Notes - Note Investing 101 -​ Profiting From Notes - Note Investing 101 -​ Marketing For Notes - Note Investing 101 -​ A Day In The Life Of Notes - Note Investing 101 - Ask Us Anything! - Note Investing 101 -


Fred Rewey (00:04):

Welcome to the member "walk-thru" section of this. We're excited to walk you through the membership.

Tracy Z (00:19):

This is one of our favorite parts and this is a labor of love. Welcome! We're excited to have you here.

Fred Rewey (00:25):

If you're watching this, you are one of two groups right now. You are either in the membership and just joined. Congratulations! Or you’re on the waiting list because we only open up the doors twice a year to membership, once in the spring and once in the fall. If you're on the waiting list and you're getting to see this. Great! If you're in, then this is exactly what you have access to.

Tracy Z (00:48):

We're going to walk you through to the website. We're going to show you the best places to start because there's so much information. Sometimes people say, where do I start? 

We’ll take you through the 90-day action plan and the different modules where you can find things. And of course, where you can get a hold of us when you have questions.

Fred Rewey (01:04):

If there's one challenge we keep wrestling with, it's the comments. We get a lot. 

We have a lot of content. We have been in the industry for a very long time combined over 50 years. We are constantly generating new videos, new programs, new different tracks of education for this industry.  Trying to assemble those, where it's easy for everybody to grab has always been the challenge. That's why we're constantly working on better ways to do that. 

We found out the best way to do that is to start with a "walk-thru". Let’s just jump right into the membership and show you what you see. 

You'll see something like this when you log on to the membership. You'll get your login screen and you should have received via email your login URL, password, and name. Just in case you did not receive those infos, you can always reach out to us.

Tracy Z (01:57):

The login normally resides at That's pretty easy to find.

Fred Rewey (02:04):

This is your library. When you log in, this is what you’ll see. We've classified them into different modules. Typically, what you'll see is pretty much this order. 

The first top left one is Note Investing Tools, which is your hub for your membership. You can have different programs and different tracks. But only members have access to members and only members have access to everything. That's the first one we're going to jump into, in just a minute, but let's walk through the other modules.

Tracy Z (02:44):

Anytime you see a module, if you click that blue view product button, it'll take you in there.

The Note Investing Tools, when you log in, I agree with Fred, that's the best place to get started. 

The Note Investing Tools memberships that's where you'll find the help and the support desk and whatnot. 

The next one over are the Webinars. We have webinars twice a month. We have them normally at the second and fourth, Tuesday at 7:00 PM and those are recorded. We put them in the member area and in the Note Investing Tools with the most recent first. 

We categorized our webinars because there's so many webinars. We thought it would be easier if you could find them, not just sequentially, but by category. 

Tracy Z (03:41):

The next one is the Note Mastermind

Fred Rewey (03:45):

Note Masterminds. This is where we have the amped up version of a webinar. Where we are  more interactive. Once a month we get together via zoom. All of us do role play in different things, like that. There's also a forum exclusively for the members.

Tracy Z (04:00):

Yes. That's normally on the first Monday of the month.We also got some masterclasses. These are specialized trainings that you have access to. The one we released most recently was the Creating Notes Masterclass. That's for people who want to create notes using seller financing. 

Fred Rewey (04:18):

The next one is the How To Calculate Cash Flows master class. This is basically to make you a master on the calculations, both with the calculator and using T-value.

Tracy Z (04:30):

Then we have Finding Cash Flow Notes. This is the marketing track of how to find the different notes that are available for purchase.

Fred Rewey (04:40):

That's our original one. That was actually the one we started with our process.

Tracy Z (04:44):

And it's still great information.

Fred Rewey (04:46):

Then we created three basic modules that are quick start modules or quick information modules that are based on these three subjects. The first one is just planning your retirement and dealing with self-directed IRAs.

Tracy Z (05:07):

The next one is our top 10 sessions on flipping notes. If you're looking to find notes and flip them on or make a fee.

Fred Rewey (05:15):

The last one is top 10 investing in notes. By the way these three modules could change based on new content or content being needed more often.

Tracy Z (05:26):

We also did a special release of lead funnels. Fred did some deep dive into lead funnels and we'll talk a little bit more about that. Those are specialized marketing messages, both E-Books, emails and sequencing that you can use.

Fred Rewey (05:41):

Next we have the most recent, Directory of the Note Buyers. This is our list of different funders, private investors and industry providers where you can get information on where to sell notes.

Tracy Z (05:52):

One of the things that we partnered with is T- value. 

T- value amortization software is a third party provider. We have a special relationship with them. They enabled us to be an authorized reseller of their software. As a member, we buy you a licensed version of T value online. This was where you would go to request your copy of that.

Fred Rewey (06:15):

Going forward you have access to anything we create as far as classes and anything that we're a part of that we basically put on. There was a Wise Women Expo last year, 2020 and you can also see the most recent cashflow expo. All of these you have access to and there's no additional charge for that. As a member, you get anything we already created and anything that we will create going forward.

Tracy Z (06:39):

You'll see Cash Flow Expo 2019, 2020 and 2021 there as well. All those are available for you to watch.

Fred Rewey (06:48):

We will go back up to the top and kind of jumped in again. 

We covered the overview of what's in there and we got all these modules. 

Let's view the product for Note Investing Tools. First thing you'll see is this video. It's the “walk-thru” video that we're shooting right now. 


These modules are laid off differently, depending on whether it's a module that you're going to be skipping around or a module that you're going to be watching video one, then video two, then video three. 

You'll see two different types of layouts as you're going through these modules. This one is meant to actually skip around for the most part, with the exception of the very first tab which is the 90 day plan. 

What we did is we created and put together all the different training that is out there. This is the  overview to the note industry to get a grasp of it, to understand it, to conduct it. This is a 12 week plan and you can, you can accelerate. You can go through them at different rates, but basically this is to give you an idea of what to do in the first ninety days.

Tracy Z (07:52):

If you click on any one of those, like if you clicked on week one, you'll see under the “play to watch the video”, underneath it there are links to additional resources. We already talked about your next steps, like setting up shop, creating a foundation, knowing your market. If you click on any of those, it'll take you to another video that deep dives into that.  It'll take you to different places in the various trainings that are specifically for that. 

If we head back to the hub. You can also see that there is  a “download” button. If there's a download button, those will show up too. 

If we go to the Mastering Partials, which is week six, you can see under the left-hand side, the downloads.

If you're on a tablet or a mobile phone, it might show down below, but on a desktop it shows on the left-hand side. There's also a place where you can leave comments. Those comments are public comments. If you have questions, it's a great place to ask questions because everybody can learn from each other's questions. Of course Fred and I also hop in there and answer them personally.

Fred Rewey (09:03):

The 90 days is a perfect place to start because like we said, it goes into the other training. If you want to learn specifically about partials, it may go into finding Cash flow notes to refer you to that information. 

It's a great place to start. The other thing you can do if you want to search anything is go to the “search bar” and search. If you are looking for partials, it'll tell you in this module, that there are 11 different ones that talk about partial. 

Example this is week six in the mastering partials, plus it also talks about a couple of webinars. You can go to any one of these, here's our raising private capital with Jeff Watson. If you click view on that, it'll take you right into where that is. You can deep dive right into any one of these. The search bar is a very good resource.

Fred Rewey (10:15):

The next tab is Webinars as Tracy mentioned, there are two different places where we keep Webinars. In The Note Investing Tools module they are all on the second tab where it says webinars. They are all in sequential order with the most recent being at the top. They go backwards. 

We just did a negotiation technique. It’s a blast because what we do is we negotiate like a pro. If you go back, these are all the webinars that you have to click to view all of them. There are 88 of these meaning you have 88 hours of all this information that talks about partials, creating winning offers, title due diligence. You name it, it's in here.

Tracy Z (11:07):

The great thing about these webinars is we do hold them live. We encourage people to attend these live webinars because then they can have their questions answered on the spot. It's a nice way to interact via chat and whatnot with other members. But if you can't make it, we totally understand. We record them and they are up in the member area the next day. You can always go back and refer to them. If you want to find the most recent one, it's always at the top when you click on webinars.

Fred Rewey (11:36):

The next one is Case Studies. This is a tab where you can find some examples of specific case studies. We also do case studies inside webinars. You can do something we called “deal roundups”. If you search for deal roundups in the webinars, you'll get more than these right here. But these are case studies where we break down very specific dollars, what the deals were or things like that.

Tracy Z (12:01):

When you go over to docs and templates you'll see it has a dropdown menu. Don't miss out on this because we've taken all of the documents and templates and put them in one place. The Marketing Templates is a really good one to start with because here you get examples of our direct mail letter postcard or an ebook, a funnel of emails for sellers, marketing images, (including social media images) the safe seller financing tips, or brochure, samples of ads and actual presentation that they can use.

Fred Rewey (12:36):

Any one of these, for example for our members, we wrote articles you can use and rewrite for your own use.  If you go to Note Articles and you scroll all the way down in the bottom, you will be able to download a bunch of note articles. If you were looking for postcards and you need a postcard sample, you'd be able to download right here. This is a not to be missed section because there are lots of different things in here. 

Tracy Z (13:12):

We created videos that you can use. You can put a bumper in the front and your contact information in the back. Or you can use the scripts to record your own. We had some different 2d and animated videos created. Anything in that marketing tab, you have full rights to use or repurpose. It's a great jumpstart for you. 

Sometimes it's hard to find images that are great for the note industry. If you click on Marketing Images we had some different ones that we created. There are 20 of them, they are not just specific to the note industry that show mortgage notes. They are also great to share on social media or use for your blog posts or that sort of thing. You can also download them. So next under docs and templates are the offers and quotes.

Fred Rewey (14:08):

These are worksheets that you can tap into.

Tracy Z (14:15):

We have the sample, the offer letter as well under the worksheet. We also have a sample option agreement that you can use to make offers to sellers and to tie up the deal.

Fred Rewey (14:26):

Then this is the all docs. We threw everything into one area. It's a zip file. These are very large files.

Tracy Z (14:36):

If you want the list, when you download that guide in the PDF, it'll show you the list of documents. There's various assignments and note endorsements and purchase agreements in there.

Fred Rewey (14:45):

Also the documents are available in Spanish.

Tracy Z (14:52):

We had some members request this because they were dealing with people that had notes to sell that primarily spoke Spanish. We had some members that speak Spanish and they translated the documents in Spanish.

Fred Rewey (14:59):

The next tab is Support and Schedule. There are times when you jump into the membership and you don't know what's going on, this would be the first place to go. 

Go to the Note Investing Tools module, which is the first top left one in your membership. Then go over to support and schedule. You're going to see immediately what's going on for the month. 

The first couple of things you see are the community. You can get into the Facebook group, help desk and coaching at any time. If you want to get help, you can click on this. Or at the very top, you've got something called the helpline, or you might see in the bottom, right? 

Not on this page, but you'll see a little icon that has a help person. If you click on that, it's going to open up something that looks like this. These tickets go straight to Tracy and I. When you fill this out, it will open up a ticket for us. It shows up on our side of the software. We can go in and answer. We can give you a download. We can punch you wherever you need to go. This is available to you. If you need help.

Tracy Z (15:52):

Look at that, it tracks our response time, not bad, average response time, three hour average response. Time is three hours. That includes when you do it in the middle of the night and we do the next morning. Usually it's even faster.

Fred Rewey (16:03):

I was going to say, “we'll get back to you by the next day”. But apparently we're a lot quicker than that. Once, but here's a big thing here also. And the webinars obviously, but this right here is what's going on for that month.

Tracy Z (16:17):

You see the note mastermind. We just had that last night the first Monday of the month, there is the zoom link for that. Then we have the links to the member webinars. We use a different system than zoom for that. Those are the links there as well. They are happening the second and fourth, Tuesday, we do 7:00 PM Eastern standard time.

Fred Rewey (16:38):

Here are some extras. Some things that we'll throw on there occasionally, but let's go back out of this one for a second. That's just one tab. That's the Note Investing Tools. That's your main hub. 

Then some of these are going to be the training, which we'll get to in a second. 

The Member Webinars, which I'll show you very quickly. We had seen in the last tab where we had them all in sequential order from the most recent, going back to the oldest, which is 88 of them. 

What we do now is we also put them in here by subject matter. We've come up with these 10 different areas. If you were looking for, “I wonder what the guest interviews were”, these are all guest interviews. The most recent, we did an interview with FINAC.  

If you go back to categories,  “well maybe today I want to learn more about marketing” so you click on marketing. These are the webinars that are specific to marketing, or at least we figured were mostly marketing.

Tracy Z (17:39):

If you're a little lost on where to start on marketing, I definitely suggest you go right there to that 21 day marketing challenge. That is a great place to start. We did a 21 day marketing challenge with our members at the beginning of the year, but it's a challenge that you can take any time and we're there in the support desk to help you with it.

Fred Rewey (18:04):

That's it basically for the webinars. Just understand that they're in two places.

Tracy Z (18:10):

Can you show me one more thing? You know, I always want one more thing. Could you click on that evaluating category. A lot of people also want to know more about how to underwrite and perform due diligence. This is a really great category. This is all of the webinars that we get into, how to analyze the deal, how to perform due diligence, how to price them different exit strategies. Not so much you have to worry about if you're referring it or flipping it to an institutional investor, but it’s really helpful if you're going to buy any of these for your own account.

Fred Rewey (18:47):

This is the note mastermind. This is what we created this year, which was a place that members can interact. We do have a Facebook group for members, but a lot of people aren't necessarily on that. This is the reason why we created its own entity here where people can do things. 

If you look at the topics, this is another place where you can find out what the most recent things are, where we're going to be as far as masterminds. There’s also a feed here where you can create comments. You can see the latest comments of people asking about deals or wanting to do deals or looking for things.

Tracy Z (19:31):

These are other members like the Facebook group, which people still are active on as well. The mastermind is a specific private community. That's just our current members. We've had a lot of fun with that. 

The next module is the Creating Notes Masterclass. If we could go into the view product for Creating Notes Masterclass, you'll see that this is a class and it goes into sequential and it has 36 lessons. You can track your progress after you watch one. It'll show that you've completed it. Then when you go to the building your team. Let's say for under setting the stage, you'll see that over this training, you can download the PDF and anything that goes along with that. This is a great class if you are looking to create notes using owner financing. We have some great interviews there with mortgage loan originators and people that are setting up buying and selling notes as their main primary business. It's a great deep dive into one specific subject. That's why we called it a master class, right?

Fred Rewey (20:48):

The next one is how to Calculate Cash Flows. This is the perfect class to make you a calculator genius. It's 62 sessions, although they're pretty small, they're like four, five or six minutes sessions each. But they literally walk you through keystroke for keystroke. How to both do it on T value and also on the financial calculator.

Tracy Z (21:08):

Each one has a little download that you can download and follow along with. We find that makes it a little bit easier. Those are also over on the right hand side. I'm available in there to answer questions. Or if you have any assistance that you want, you can also use different types of calculators. The keystrokes might be a little different, but the concepts are all the same. And of course you can use your free copy of T value because you have access to that.

Fred Rewey (21:34):

The next one is Finding Cash Flow Notes. This is the one that we're currently starting to break apart in different ways. This was our very first one. We are considering this a legacy product now. 90% of it is as applicable as it always has been. It's the same core material. Don't skip over it because it has a lot of  really good material to go through and learn about the industry. Learn about direct marketing and whatever it may be. There's some really good stuff in here.

Tracy Z (22:34):

Maybe just pop into one of those so they can see maybe the flipping notes.

Fred Rewey (22:38):

Let's just jump into flipping notes. If that's what you want to do, we’ve gone through all of the programs & webinars. Different one-offs and things like that. Here we put together the top 10 things you should be looking at if you're going to flip notes. If you're looking for a quick overview on flipping notes, this would be the place to start.

Tracy Z (23:07):

We always tried to, with our members, encourage them and give suggestions of how to make things a little bit easier to find. Let's just show them how that search bar works. Just make sure you're looking for the little magnifying glass or you're looking for the search up in the menu.

Fred Rewey (23:52):

Next one is the Lead Funnels. If you're looking at doing leads via online this is the place to go. 

If you have a website and somebody fills out a form let's just say, you're trying to get sellers directly. There's a seller direct funnel that we built and showed you how to do it. It's four web pages, two opt-in forms, and there are five email responses. If you have the same program we use, you can just import it. Otherwise what you do is you just download these pages and recreate them for yourself on your own site. We did these funnels for both seller direct and working with referral sources. They even include guides. I call them bribes.

Tracy Z (24:49):

I like to call them incentives or free gifts. It's something that you can offer to people so that they are motivated to give you their email. It's an ebook that's just ready to use. It comes with three different covers. 

Fred Rewey (25:04):

This is one for referral sources. You would be able to download whichever one of that. The contents are the same. But if you choose which one of these you want on your website or in your email or brochure. Then go online to claim it, whatever it may be. We wrote these for you.  You can modify these, you can take them and put your own name in there, whatever you want to do, but they're free for members to use.

Tracy Z (25:27):

We were pretty proud of that

Fred Rewey (25:30):

Directory, we talked about recently, this is where you get the latest copy of the note buyer directory and T value. As Tracy had mentioned, this is where we go to claim your access.

Tracy Z (25:41):

When you claim your access we send that information over to T value. As we mentioned, it's a fully licensed version of the product, even get their support with it as well. You just have to confirm that you want it and we sent them to you. It usually takes  24 to 48 hours of business, time to get back and give you the logins.

Fred Rewey (25:59):

Then you have the expos.

Tracy Z (26:01):

Well, there's a lot of great information there. The Expos, that was Fred’s idea, started back in 2019 before it was needed.

Fred Rewey (26:11):

This was 2021. This is the third year we did it. There were 35 speakers, 20 some odd sessions. This is day one. You can go and check out. Like, we were super excited to have Jeff Owens from the One Thing. Then we had Jeff Watson. All these people basically spoke and they recorded about an hour or 45 minutes. You could go and jump into any one of these and watch their sessions and then come back, take notes or do whatever you want because you have access.

Tracy Z (26:50):

It's pretty cool that you can see all the different ways that you can work with cash flows and notes. It's not all just specific to real estate notes. Some are business notes, some are mobile home notes. This one is a tax attorney and CPA. We had some real high caliber speakers that charged between $300 to $500 an hour. They are the real deal. You can watch those videos and download any of the items.

Fred Rewey (27:15):

Every one of them if applicable, comes with the slides. If they have slides then they have notes taken by  professional note takers. You can download the PDF or MP3s version of all of them. 

Tracy Z (27:36):

When in doubt, head back to my library, that's your hub. It's up in the top menu. On some of them, it says back to your library. This is where you always go to come back to home base, to figure out where to find something. If you're not sure, remember, just to go into Note Investing Tools and click on the support tab and you will get to us. You send us a ticket. If you want to talk with one of us, you can also schedule a conference call. You do that through the support desk. We send you the link, there’s a little calendar where you can pick a time that works for you. Then we will give you a call. 

Most of the people who use a support desk are when they're having troubles finding something.  Or if they have a deal that they want to talk about. It's more of a private conversation. They want to discuss one-on-one or sometimes they want to discuss their marketing plan. 

We are excited to have you here. We mean it when we say we're accessible and we want to see you succeed. These are your tools, training and support to take your note business to the next level.

Fred Rewey (28:41):

If you're a member, welcome! If you're not a member and the doors are open, you can go to The doors are open twice a year. Get in right now and all that will become yours. It's a month-to-month membership. There's no long-term obligations. We're a hundred percent confident that we over-deliver. No worries there. And if it's doors aren't open, then there will be a place to get your name on the waiting list.

Tracy Z (29:07):

Absolutely. As we always say, Happy Note Investing!

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