Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Tale of 3 Markets in Real Estate | Jason Hartman & Jay Conner

In this short video Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority is joined by Jason Hartman.

Jason talks about the 3 types of Real Estate Market such as:

Linear – steady and profitable

Cyclical – the rollercoaster

Hybrid – between the two

Jason Hartman® has been involved in several thousand real estate transactions and has owned income properties in 11 states and 17 cities.

His companies help people achieve The American Dream of financial freedom by purchasing income property in prudent markets nationwide.

Jason’s Complete Solution for Real Estate Investors™ is a comprehensive system providing real estate investors with education, research, resources, and technology to deal with all areas of their income property investment needs.

For more valuable information click on this link and watch the complete episode: https://youtu.be/23xA2MJklQA – “Why Real Estate Is Cheap! with Jay Conner & Jason Hartman”

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Jay Conner has been investing in Real Estate for over 15 years. He typically makes 2 deals a month. He has bought and sold over 400 homes.

He had an 800 credit score and the bank closed his LOC. He needed to find a new source of funding. In the past eight years, Jay has never missed a deal because of funding.

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Producer: Scott Paton


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DISCLAIMER: Jay Conner is not a financial advisor, real estate broker, licensed mortgage broker, certified financial planner, licensed attorney nor a certified public accountant, therefore consult with a professional prior to making any real estate investing.


Jason Hartman:

It’s all about the measuring stick. And there are many ways to measure things. And right now the media is measuring things in just one way. When they talk about real estate prices, they’re only comparing them to one thing. First off, they’re only talking about the price of the property, not the monthly payment on the property. And that’s a huge mistake. So we’ll get into that one, but they’re also comparing the price of real estate, only to dollars.

Now, guess what folks, nobody told you that as you’ve been saving money to invest in whatever you want to invest in over the last five, 10 or 20 years, nobody forced you to keep your money in dollars. Although most of you did.So mostly that’s the way people measure things, but I’m here to talk about some alternative ways to measure things and alternative ways to compare the price of real estate. And then in part two, the monthly payment on real estate, which is really more important than the price, because very few people buy on a price. Most people buy on a payment. So we’ll get into that too. So a tale of three markets, as I was talking about before, there are three types of real estate markets in the country or in the entire world, there are linear markets. These markets are stable and profitable.

They are my favorite types of real estate markets. But I kind of imagine knowing what I know about you and your content and your students that you like, these good, solid linear markets too. I know you live in a linear market.

And then there were cyclical markets. These are like a rollercoaster. They go up, they have glorious highs, they have really ugly lows. And if you’re looking at a graph or a chart, that chart looks like a rollercoaster ups and downs. Now the funny thing is, most of the markets in the country and in the world that get all the attention are the cyclical markets. They aren’t that many of them, but they get all the news, media attention. Why is that? Because they’re newsworthy, they’re not boring. Linear markets are boring.

They just chug along and kind of go up slowly. They have little ups and downs, but they’re not very pronounced. Whereas cyclical markets. There’s news prices are going up. Like crazy prices are crashing. That’s newsworthy. There’s an old saying in the news media, if it bleeds, it leads, the media loves sensationalism. So they tend to ignore all of these great linear markets. And then the third one is the hybrid market. As the name would imply it’s in between the two. So just understand that those are the three types of markets. I always ask this question on my podcast, The Creating Wealth Show on my YouTube channel. And I always say compared to what? And this is a really important question. My listeners have dubbed it. The Jason Hartman question, even though I did not invent the question, but they got to call it Jason Hartman question.

So compared to what? That is, the million dollar question we need to be asking ourselves compared to what?There’s an old saying in economics, the cure for high prices is high prices. What does that mean? Well, one interpretation of this famous saying is that when prices are high demand will fall off and prices will come down. 

Most basic rule of economics is supply and demand. There’s another saying the corollary to it, is the cure for low prices is low prices. If the prices are too low, the market’s going to discover that and they’re going to start buying up all the widgets, all the houses, all the whatever, and the sellers of these items are going to raise the prices. And this is constantly going on as the market regulates itself through supply and demand. Now, as I talked about before, the most common thing I think on people’s minds right now is are we in a bubble?

And if so, if we’re in a bubble, when will the bubble pop? That is the question.

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