Monday, June 22, 2020

65 Liz Faircloth and The Real Estate Investher

Liz Faircloth
Host, The Real Estate InvestHER Show


Bill Fairman (00:00):
Wow! I was expecting an image. There it is! And it went away. And now it's back. Welcome to the live streaming on your television or your laptop or your iPad or your little teeny i-phone. We don't really...

Wendy Sweet (00:21):
Or your watch. You can do it on your watch too.

Jonathan Davis (00:24):
Or your Android.

Wendy Sweet (00:25):
Yeah. That's not a real phone though. That's...

Jonathan Davis (00:30):
Welcome to the show.

Bill Fairman (00:32):

Wendy Sweet (00:33):
No judgment zone.

Bill Fairman (00:37):
Bill, Wendy and Jonathan. With Carolina Capital Management. Don't forget. You can contact us at If you want any information on borrowing, click on the borrower tab. If you want any information on how to invest in our fund, then click on the investor tab. Don't forget to subscribe, share like, all that good stuff.

Jonathan Davis (01:02):
All the cool stuff the kids are doing these days.

Bill Fairman (01:04):
Also. During the broadcast. If you have any questions for us or our guests, you can leave them into the chat as well.

Wendy Sweet (01:13):
That's right!

Bill Fairman (01:13):

Wendy Sweet (01:14):
That's right!

Bill Fairman (01:14):
So how's everybody going?

Wendy Sweet (01:16):
How's everybody going?

Bill Fairman (01:17):
How are you going?

Wendy Sweet (01:20):
I am going to do.

Bill Fairman (01:24):
If you're in our area, it's been raining.

Wendy Sweet (01:26):

Jonathan Davis (01:28):
We promise, the show to get better. Just give us a couple of minutes.

Wendy Sweet (01:31):
Well, we're in our second tropical storm and the season hasn't started yet. So Bertha is upon us and I'm glad it's a girl. They called her Bertha! Well, what are you going to do?

Bill Fairman (01:44):
That reminds me of a song from the 70's. Never mind!

Wendy Sweet (01:50):
Too funny. Listen! Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, I am so excited who we have on today. Liz Faircloth is just a dynamo! And she's a chick. And she and another girl on Dre. So I'm going to try and not destroy her last name. Get, get, get Gil deli?

Jonathan Davis (02:15):

Wendy Sweet (02:16):
Oh, I was close! Wasn't I? Really good. I have started this, this just immense group called InvestHER and you know, it's...

Jonathan Davis (02:28):
InvestHER as in H, like InvestHER.

Wendy Sweet (02:32):
That's right! InvestHER! But you know, it's not just for chicks. There's a lot of guys that follow them too, which is probably because there are a lot of girls, but anyway, we'll find it, we'll find out about that. So, you know, we just really wanted to bring Liz on and have her share about InvestHER. They're getting ready to do a big summit and I just want to promote that. Cause I think it's a great opportunity for a lot of women in real estate. So Liz, welcome to our show!

Liz Faircloth (02:58):
Thank you! Thank you, Wendy. Thank you, Bill. Thank you Jonathan, for having me on. It's a pleasure.

Wendy Sweet (03:03):
We're really glad to have you here. So there's like a million questions that I'd like to ask you, but I guess we should kind of start at the beginning, which is, which is how you doing? So, how did you come up with InvestHER? What were you thinking?

Liz Faircloth (03:22):
Yeah. You know, it's funny, we. Andresa and I, we're both active and we are still active investors. And we would be meeting together over coffee and we were doing a few flips and fed off at the time. And we also had a women's sort of mastermind group that we formed. And, you know, we'd just be going back and forth with ideas and just supporting each other, right? Wendy, just, you know, how we all need support in our circle and everything. And we just started talking about both of our passions for supporting women. And mine actually dates back to 20 years ago when I actually as social worker background. And I actually had a field placement with all women who were emotionally, physically and mentally abused. And it really struck a chord with me that I wanted to help women. And it just, you know, when I was 20 years old and I actually started a business plan at that point and I wanted to create an organization that did counseling services just for women. And then that went on the shelf. And 20 years later, you know fast forward. Andresa and I are chatting. And we're like, what if we did something that supported more women in this space? Because we were looking for something and we couldn't find anything. So like most people, right?

Liz Faircloth (04:29):
If you can't find it, you gotta maybe start something. So we said, why don't we start with a podcast? Where we just interview women investors. And I would kind of broach this to a few people that are in my circle. And I actually had a couple of guys say to me, you're probably gonna run out of women to interview. I don't really know if there's that many women investors. And I said, I don't really think that'll be a problem. So, and then it hasn't been a problem. We were 112 episodes in, right? Wendy's one of our guests on our show. So, you know, it's interesting because I think it's not a us versus we, but there's a lot of statistics out there that we want to actually change, not just for women, but for girls. You know, women outlive men. Six to eight years, right?

Liz Faircloth (05:10):
The chances of us outliving our partners are very high and the need for financial resources will be there or what we needed. The other key thing is that women, I think it's 40% invest less than men. And but yet women control a lot of spending, right? You know, in terms of that, those percentages. So we just really want to help we wanted to create a space of women, like a circle and like a community where we could support each other, giving getting, and also just feeling like, Oh wow, they they've done it. Right. I see a Wendy Scott, she's created this business with her brother and like, wow. You know, like the more we see women role models in the investing in the money space, the more other women feel, have some permission to do it themselves. And our mission is all about creating financial freedom, but also doing it in a balanced way.

Liz Faircloth (05:57):
There's a lot of women who are wearing 18 million hats, especially now with everything happening. Right. We have like 19 jobs. And men have a lot to do. And I, this was never meant to be an us versus them approach. I love men. I love my husband, you know, it was really meant to create a safe space for women because you'll go to a lot of meetups. You go to a lot of events and then you just, just sometimes just the only one there. And I've gotten it from men where, you know, I'll go with my husband and they're like, Oh, you're coming here with your husband. That's nice. And like, I actually got him to invest. I got him interested in investing. I gave him Rich Dad, Poor Dad, 15 years ago. But you know, it's all good. And that's what we're up to. It was just creating a safe space. So we have, we have meetups around the country. We have 25 meetups around the country where women can go and where they were doing it physically. Now they're doing it virtually. And we have a Facebook community and we're putting this summit together. So...

Wendy Sweet (06:49):
That is really, really awesome! And I do want to talk more about that center. Go ahead.

Bill Fairman (06:55):
Interesting statistic on, women basically being the head of the household when it comes to the finances in the household. And I do understand that there are lot fewer women that invest than men. And do you have any personal feelings on why women are reluctant to be the investor in the family?

Liz Faircloth (07:18):
It's a really good question. I, you know, I thought about that philosophically and then I've spoken to a lot of women about it, kind of in a, you know, obviously in a realistic day to day kind of perspective. And you know, I think it's sometimes just conditioning. Right? You think about society and you think about. I have a little boy and a little girl. I have a three year old girl and a six year old boy, I have to watch myself, even just the things I say to my son and my daughter about just how I treat them. And just the systemic kind of such, you know, things that we sometimes do in conditioning. I think realistically, you know, women at the home at the home, right? So there's a whole philosophical reason for that. And I think that's not changed. I don't, I wouldn't say enormously, but yet there's still a need for women to have a carve out of, you know, I'm not working full time anymore. I'm leaving my job and I want to do something on my own while I'm, you know, kind of running everything. And then they look at investing. I think women, a lot of women I've spoken to, again, just totally generalization, but there are cautious. Right. So they're careful, but that actually makes them great investors, to be honest with you. You know, that's our huge thing. I know I'm much more cautious than my husband and I love, we've been investing for 15 years. I'm also more cautious though than him. So I think there's a lot of advantages, but yeah, I think, I think somewhere along the way whether it's messaging or money, or we look at our, we look at our generation. I look at my mother, I look at my grandmother. They didn't do anything. My grandmother didn't even drive right. Her, my grandfather said, if you need to go anywhere, I'll take you. You know, then if you that's just completely, you know, you think about that and you think about handling money and handling the resources. What's that?

Wendy Sweet (09:00):
I said, it's like slavery back then. You know, my, our grandmother didn't drive either. She walked to the grocery store with a little cart. And I still have that cart that she pulled behind her, by the way.

Bill Fairman (09:14):
They lived in the city.

Wendy Sweet (09:15):
Yeah. It was Philadelphia. Yeah.

Bill Fairman (09:17):
They were close to everything.

Wendy Sweet (09:19):
That's amazing. That's amazing.

Liz Faircloth (09:22):
Yeah. I think it's imaging. I think it's, I think there's this a lot of societal pieces in that. And then it's just conditioning of our own families and our own role models. So if that role model shifts a little bit I think then it, you know, we can talk more about money and we could talk more about investing and in a lot of women will say, well, I'm not good at math, you know, and there's so many women that are great at math, you know, they're firecrackers with math, you know, and obviously, so it's that, that's not, that's just, I don't know. I think that's just sometimes an excuse to, for some people what we can learn that, you know,

Wendy Sweet (09:56):
That's what calculators are for. That's really, that's really, really interesting. You know, I think it's great with what you're accomplishing with this, with InvestHER. And I would, you know, we were talking a little bit about the summit that you're putting on when we first started talking, you know, before we get started recording, and you said you have what a hundred people already signed up and they're not all women. Right?

Liz Faircloth (10:26):
A lot of them are, but yeah, I have to look at the attendee list. But yeah, they're, and there's some men that love our podcast. They're like, your podcast is awesome! And they can follow it. And there's men that come to our meetups. You know, so we, we certainly welcome that, but you know, obviously that our purpose and our mission is to serve women.

Wendy Sweet (10:44):
Yeah. That's exactly right. So get out of our way.

Liz Faircloth (10:50):
But yeah, no, the virtual summit you know, we're saying earlier to Wendy and you you've been calm we've, we've connected. You were probably one of our first guests on our podcast. And, you know, we started the podcast and we start the community and then we did meet-ups. So we've never really, we've just been building our community organically and just serving and helping. And so many women would be asking us, like, when are you doing? Like, when are you doing a summit? When are you doing a conference for investor? We want to get together with these women. We're like, we'll do it! We'll do it! We'll do it! And then with everything happening with what we're up to in this world and the uncertainty and just things shifting. We're like, okay, we gotta do something virtually now.

Liz Faircloth (11:25):
You know, in some ways I have less time and, you know, less help. But now more than ever. Women, I feel like need more and more education, more and more support and more and more of a community. So that's what we were building. It's a day conference. And I'm excited because we're not just talking about real estate investing. We're also talking about self care. We have an amazing speaker talking about self care and mindset. We got two speakers talking about creative financing. Cause that's a big topic. You both know, people can't get institutional lending. So the need for creatively financing. All these opportunities are going to be that are in front of us. And that will be coming in front of us as this economy kind of, you know, unwinds here are going to be huge.

Liz Faircloth (12:07):
So we have to have been talking about that. And then we have a couple of women talking about business strategy. So it's real estate investing, business and self care. And we have, our keynote is actually not from real estate at all. She's talking about, she's actually an owner of an equity fund and she puts deals together with buying distressed businesses. So she's going to talk about like the macro economics and how you can relate those things to distressed property. So it's just a, you know, every sticker we asked, they said, yes the sponsors we've been working with are like, yes, like it just like, it just, everything has been coming together, which is a really, really humbling. So we're working hard to put the best, you know, best day together for these women.

Wendy Sweet (12:47):
That's awesome! You know, I remember when we were at the mid Atlantic summit. And we had, I think maybe an hour where we can all have lunch together and we were kind of have the group of women just get together. And we started out with what, maybe 10 people in the circle, and then it grew. And it grew. And it grew. And we pretty much took over the room. It was a main thing, how many women showed up for that. It's just I think when women are together like that, we're able to put our guard down a little bit and not, we don't have to puff up when we're in mixed sex rooms. We don't have to worry about, you know, are we as smart as the next guy? Meaning guy.

Bill Fairman (13:38):
In your case, you don't have to worry about it.

Wendy Sweet (13:41):
Yeah, it's really, it's just a great opportunity to be with other women and support it. And I love that you're doing stuff that's not just real estate because it is about the whole person, because we, we're not just real estate investors. Were moms. We're wives. We have so many other roles that we have to play and play well to, to be able to participate. So I'm so, so, so glad you're doing that. So, tell us a little bit more about the event when it is, how people can get enlisted. That kind of thing.

Liz Faircloth (14:19):
Yeah. So it's Friday, June 12th. It's from 8:30 to, I think, 5:30. And yeah, if you just go to It's, you can get the, just on the right hand side of the homepage is virtual summit. And it'll go to the page where it talks a little more about the speakers we have and the agenda and all those good things. I think we have like a, you know, we want to make it really reasonable for women. So it's $47 for the whole day and you get, and you get the recordings afterwards. It's kind of like, you know, really affordable. We're gonna increase the price, I think next Monday. But again, it's going to be, we're not like, you know, it's not be like a thousand dollars or anything. It's just gonna be slightly higher kind of thing. So we really wanted to make it reasonable. We really wanted to just support as women movement as we could. And we didn't want money or pricing to be a reason women wouldn't attend.

Wendy Sweet (15:11):

Bill Fairman (15:12):
So let me rephrase that for you. It's not cheap! It's affordable!

Wendy Sweet (15:18):
That's right!

Jonathan Davis (15:19):
That's a deal!

Bill Fairman (15:20):
Your keynote speaker I think is going to have a lot of businesses to choose from here unfortunately. Going forward there's going to be a lot on her plate and be able to pick and choose what she thinks is going to have the most growth after this. You guys are still doing fix and flips and buying hold stuff in Pennsylvania?

Liz Faircloth (15:42):
Yeah. So we, you know, my husband and I are, we have one more fix and flip that we're selling and you know, we're, it's like on the higher end of the market so, in New Jersey, so we're experiencing a little like, okay, we gotta get this thing sold. But our focus has been multifamily and we're you know, we have a couple of buildings in Pennsylvania. We haven't done a whole lot. We have properties in New Jersey, but just with everything, even before the Corona Virus. We haven't done a ton of active purchasing in New Jersey anymore. In a while we have a whole, we were holding some and what have you, but yeah, it's a little bit of a different landscape. So we've done a lot more in the Southeast and we're looking to buy more in a, we have North Carolina and Kentucky has been our focus. So, but yeah, we've one property where we have an agreement, but just in terms of inspections and things, it's a 77 unit we're just holding out until we can kind of get things a little more, you know, get people in there to inspect and all those sorts of things. But yeah, multifamily has been more of our growth pattern and we're focusing, although I see some fix and flip opportunities in my town and I'm like, this is the perfect town to fix and flip. So who knows, maybe I'm going to go back on my word, but I can't help, but I was running the other day. I came home. I said, Matt, I saw two properties. We could totally flip in this, you know, and it's our town. So I know this town, no inventory. It's. And I think this going, gonna be a huge opportunity for people from a real estate perspective, because people are gonna, they're gonna, they're leaving the cities, right. So the need for like nice homes in suburbia in good school districts is just, it has always been the case, but I think it's going to become even more so. I really believe that. I think so I think there's an opportunity there, but, you know,

Bill Fairman (17:24):
We talked to a lot of folks in the multifamily sector and I think the feeling is that you're going to see a lot more people moving towards single family only because now they're working from home, they have kids and spouses and they're all crammed into an apartment. And then at the same time, you still have fears about being so close to a bunch of people.

Liz Faircloth (17:48):

Bill Fairman (17:49):
So, there's going to be opportunity in every market.

Liz Faircloth (17:52):
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Bill Fairman (17:54):
Especially multifamily in the Southeast because a lot of people were just moving out of the Northeast to work and they're going there right now.

Wendy Sweet (18:04):
Yeah. Yeah. We are the, the other thing too, I think apartments are gonna still do well. Because of the change in the employment situation. I mean, we've, yeah. Everybody was hoping everything would bounce back to, you know, exactly what it was, but it's not. It's a new normal and [inaudible], but it is. And I'm, you know, I wish my crystal ball work, but that broke in 2007. Yeah. So, you know, I wish I knew what was going to go on, but we don't, the thing is, is you need to be flexible. You need to be ready to, to fit in to whatever hole opens up. You know, just like you were saying, you weren't going to do anymore fix and flip down the road. You see what it says, want to jump on you, you have to be able to make that shift.

Liz Faircloth (19:02):
And be proactive, you know, and I, I also saw like with our leasing, for a couple of our buildings we are leasing and our occupancy has gone up really well through this whole, to this whole situation because we were on the forefront of like the virtual tours. Not because we're rocket scientists because, but because we saw what was going on and we're like, we're not gonna wait. This is like, we gotta start this now. So as soon as it happened, and so many of our competitors in our communities waited, so all the opportunities they were getting, we were getting. So, you know, I think that has a lot to say about wherever you are and whatever kind of investing you're doing, how can you be proactive and just continually be proactive? You're not going to know what's going to happen. I wish I did too. But you know, I know where we're, when we're proactive, we, you know, things seem to be, you know, a little more you know, we have a commercial building and we're starting to have more and more tenants. And these are small office users, but are telling us, you know, especially in this buildings in Trenton telling us that, you know, just not be able to make their rent and they're gonna have to move out. So we're just going to get our heads together and go, you know, which we were doing, like what creative, cause there's going to be people looking for a small office when they could start obviously leaving their homes and that's okay. They don't need a, they don't need a 10,000 square foot building those days I think are gone. But they're going to certainly maybe one or two people need a little nook to have a tab an office. So again, it's like, how do you go with the times? You know, not everyone, you know, so it's being nimble and we're, we're pretty nimble and pretty flexible, which I guess helps in this situation.

Wendy Sweet (20:32):
That's awesome! That's awesome! Do y'all have any more questions?

Jonathan Davis (20:37):
I have one, I have...

Wendy Sweet (20:39):
Just one?

Jonathan Davis (20:41):
Just one. Just one. I have two girls and another one on the way and...

Liz Faircloth (20:46):
Special place in for you, right?

Wendy Sweet (20:47):
That's right!

Jonathan Davis (20:51):
So, with the societal norms. And even though, you know, branching from that, you know, gender roles as seen by society, how, what advice would you give to parents who want to, to me, who wants to empower his girls to be entrepreneurial and to be investors and do those things?

Liz Faircloth (21:12):
Yeah, it's a really, that's a really great question. I think it comes down to exposure. You know, if like, if I, you know, if I'm going to present my daughter, you know, with, you know, a piggy bank or an Elsa doll, if I will give her both of those or present both of those to her. Those are two different conversations. Right? One we're going to talk about frozen and the other one is, you know, it's a good start, right? She's three years old, you know? So, it's exposure. I actually got the cash flow for kids. It's a great board game, Robert Kiyosaki's.

Jonathan Davis (21:44):
I know that Board game, and I haven't bought it. It's in my inbox or my little cart on Amazon.

Liz Faircloth (21:49):
Yeah. And I, but I think it's exposure and I, I need to continually ask myself even just with my son too. And obviously my daughter of like, what can I expose them to? You know, what kind of camps can I expose them to? What kind of after school activities, you know, like, you know, art and science and not that, you know, once we, so it's just, I think exposure. And I think there's little ways to do that. There's, small ways to do that. I think for us, we just expose our kids, like, Hey, come with us to this job site. You know, we're talking about taking a trip down to Kentucky cause they haven't been to the building.

Liz Faircloth (22:23):
And just talking more with my daughter and giving her that exposure, just like my son is going to be huge and important. And having her come to these summits and seeing all these women like that's to me, I think, when girls see women doing these things that may be more male dominated it gives them some sort of like opening that like I could do that, you know, or if they're into engineering or if they're into anything else, that's construction. There's a woman that's gonna be speaking at our conference. That's a woman owned construction company and she employs women and men, but she runs it. She's got the license. I mean, you know, God, if I had a teenager, I'd be having her sit and I was an attendee. I'd have a teenager, I'd have that teenager wanting to meet her. That's just, you don't see that all the time. Right? So again, I think it's exposure and I think it's in a small way. But giving them that opportunity to like see it and experience it, I think can't ever, that's gotta be the best way in my opinion, but seeing it as critical, I think you know, I know for me, I, the more women I see speak and that are doing different things, I'm like I saw a woman the other day and talking about her business growth. I'm like, it gave me permission. Oh, I can, I don't have to stay small. Right? We can get bigger. And it's just interesting that in terms of permission, but exposure and, and just talking to them about it and play in clean games that give them that exposure Really helpful, I think.

Jonathan Davis (23:53):
Yeah. And you mentioned permission. It was, it's interesting to me, it's like men, I think on average, feel more permission to make a mistake in real estate. And that's okay. Yeah. But you see, you know, in women are more cautious about nature. I think a lot of them are. And it's almost like that societal fear to make a mistake. It's like, somehow society remembers the mistake longer if you make it as opposed to if I make it. You know,

Wendy Sweet (24:23):
It's good point.

Jonathan Davis (24:23):
How to stamp that out. And you know, and squash that because I don't, like my seven year old, I take her to properties with me, but I, you know, I've lost money on real estate. You know, she is too, but you know, it's, I've had this conversation with my wife. It's, you know, like you said, they feel less permission to, to make those mistakes.

Bill Fairman (24:45):
I think this kind of generational as well. The baby boomers grew up. You can't make a mistake because it's going to ruin your life.

Wendy Sweet (24:55):
You got to work there for 45 years before you retire!

Bill Fairman (25:01):
Then when they came out with the first video game and then previous video games, how did you learn? How do you learn? You learn by making mistakes. You don't read the entire manual, you just jump in. And the only way you're going to progress to the next level is by getting knocked off. So they kinda have the younger folks that grew up in the video game world. It's okay for them to make a mistake. It's not really driving them down.

Jonathan Davis (25:29):
I wonder what percentage males to females play video games. I imagine a skewed in one direction.

Bill Fairman (25:34):
Yeah. So Liz, I know you started off life and social work. How'd you get started in real estate investing in the first place?

Liz Faircloth (25:45):
That's really, really seems like such a natural progression, right? Your master's degree in social work and, you know, build an investment company. Totally makes sense. So when I was in, I wanted to counsel people and at that point women and just help them and support them. And through that experience, I realized that I was, I was like, I don't know if I want to do it in a traditional social work setting. I was more interested in doing it more like in a corporate setting where it was more coaching or team building. At that point, I was doing some speaking with my brother-in-law and I loved group facilitated workshops. You know, social work's tough. I mean, it, you know, it was, it was tough hearing these women's stories. And I said, I don't know. I don't know if that's my necessarily my path to be a direct social worker.

Liz Faircloth (26:34):
So I said, let me try the corporate space. Plus I had this kind of inner thought that I wanted to also start a business one day. Cause I had started to read books. I'm like, you know what, I start my own practice. Could I, what kind of business, what I start? So I ended up getting a job right out of graduate school doing pretty much team-building. And I was in there for 10 years doing corporate kind of team buildings and personality kind of assessments and those sort of things. At the same time, when I, when I got that job, my, I met my husband. And he was an engineer. And he was, we both read Rich Dad, Poor Dad and went to a bunch of courses together and drop a business plan. You know, things that 25 year olds totally do.

Liz Faircloth (27:17):
We definitely were not like everybody else. But anyway, that's a good thing. Right? But anyway, long story short, we ended up together you know, getting our first property in Philadelphia. It was a duplex and I was working full time, same with him. And we had this big discussion when we got married in '05 that, you know, one of us to take one of us needs to quit their job, to take, you know, to take, take the investment business to another level and to take the chance. We didn't, we weren't earning enough rental income to do that. Like all the smart things you probably should do. We just said, you know, screw it. We're going to, one of us is going to quit our job. We pay the mortgage and pay the bills with one of our salaries.

Liz Faircloth (27:58):
And we, you know, we, long story short, bought a home that we can totally afford with one of us making, making money. And then we did that for many years. So I continued on with my work and helped him and he kind of took the business on full time. And then I joined him and I don't tell you the whole story, but yeah, it was an interesting progression, but we got introduced to it through just that, you know, reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad and being like, we want to do something different with our lives and give a lot and support a lot of people. And we just started taking courses like, this is fascinating that you can actually, you know, renovate properties and then have tenants. And how does that work? And just took a bunch of local REIA courses and got started that way.

Bill Fairman (28:38):
Oh, I'm glad you mentioned local REIA courses because we're always pushing the local REIAs networking groups, mastermind groups. I mean, we essentially met at a, I guess you call it a semi mastermind event, which was the mid Atlantic summit. Almost all the speakers, all the sponsors, they're all in different masterminds. And we're constantly pounding this on our show that you have to get with a group of people that have that abundance mentality, you know, not a scarcity mentality. Right. you know, to further you on that path. Right?

Wendy Sweet (29:23):
Right. And getting plugged into your, your summit that you're doing, it's people need to understand how important it is that for $47, that's ridiculous low! And I really, you know, I know it's the value there is going to be off the charts for what people will get out of that. And it's all about an investment in yourself and your own education. I remember when we joined our very first, like what we call a real mastermind, which is collective genius. We joined it in 2011 and it costs $15,000. Actually it was 12,500. And I thought I was going to die putting out that much money to join a group. Now that's chump change to join you know, a big mastermind group like that. And, but what we got out of it, it changed everything for us. It's why we're here today because of the people that we were introduced to, and that's what they can get from InvestHER is the network that they're going to get. It's a, it's a tribe mentality. It's, and it's all about encouraging each other, not being competitors. I think a lot of people are afraid of that when they're getting into a group. What would you say that?

Liz Faircloth (30:54):
Yeah, I think, I think so. And in some, some women, quite honestly, that have either worked in companies with, with mostly women or have been part of groups actually have had really negative experiences where it's, it's actually more cutthroat and I'm like, wow, I worked in, I, you know, it's funny cause I always wanted to start my own business. So I worked for a woman in the consulting work I did. And I said, I want to work for a woman. You know, that was important to me. And all the people in our company were women. It just so happened, you know? And we had a great comradery. I've always had good comradery of women. I've never had that, that environment, but a lot of women have, and sometimes I'll connect with ladies that are leading our meetups or whatever it is. And they're like, God, this is such a breath of fresh air because I had been part of other organizations. And it's not like this because you have women who are just jumping in who have a thousand properties and you have women who are literally just starting out and everyone's supporting each other. And that was really the type of environment we've wanted to create. And then we're just taking that to another level where, to your point, a lot of women will say, what do you do? Coaching? Do you do this? And you have to kind of come to get a sense of what do you want to create? What are we creating? And we're putting a membership together. That's what we really wanted to create. And, but it's going to be more of, like, you're saying, it's like, you know, you want to be around people who are like you, but also are a few steps ahead of you because you can learn so much from them and you can give and you can get, and I think there's something about that. And some people are like, well, I'm like, there's so many things. I don't know. There's so many things I need help with. I mean, I knew certain things about in certain ways and other things I need to grow, we all could probably, you know, admit that if you can't then I don't know, that's a tough one, but I admit it all the time, I'm like, I don't know anything about this topic, you know? So...

Bill Fairman (32:34):
Yeah. You don't want to be in a group where you have the same people doing all the giving and not receiving because it's just as important for them to get as it is to give. And it just elevates everyone. And it just, my game is been elevated, not just from the business side of things, but personally as well. Health education being closer to God and all that stuff is been helped along the way by other people.

Liz Faircloth (33:10):
Yeah. I was talking to a woman the other day and she's putting together a mastermind and I'm part of one. And I said to her, I said, I really need, I need to level up too, I need to really be part of something else too. And in addition to what I'm doing, just, you know, I'm really committed to supporting women and I love it. And it's just, it's a passion that has now turned into a business as well, but it's, it's just been a passion for 20 years, but I, you know, as you give, you need to also get the support you need. And sometimes as women we're giving and giving all people are giving and giving and giving, but you gotta take care of yourself too, because you don't take care of yourself. You know, you're not going to be able to give any to anyone. So I just had that realization the last couple of weeks, you know, and said, you know, we're really growing our business, growing this thing, we're actually, you know, just awesome. It's like, I also need the help and support so I can keep growing. You know, that's just the way it is. So...

Wendy Sweet (34:04):
Well I think that's a, it's kind of a female thing is it's in our genes to, you know, we're the nurturers. So it's natural for us to constantly give and give and give and you know, you're right. You do need to get fed and be renewed. And what better way to do that than with other women who understand exactly where you are and how you're feeling. So that, that's just awesome. So, how can people get enrolled or, but as I enlisted, as what I said before in my time, that's her and get, get ahold of that summit so that they can be a part of that on June 12th. How do they do that again?

Bill Fairman (34:49):
Scott, would you mind putting up that.

Wendy Sweet (34:51):
There it is.

Bill Fairman (34:52):
There you go. Thank you!

Liz Faircloth (34:52):
Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, so it's just our website, and in the right hand corner, you'll see virtual summit also on there you can go to and learn about all the meetups that we have. And obviously our Facebook community is a private group. We have about 3000 women in the group just a great group of women now. And you know, you're welcome to just go to Facebook and type in, InvestHER community, The Real Estate InvestHER. And you'll, you'll find it there as well.

Wendy Sweet (35:22):
That's awesome!

Bill Fairman (35:23):
Well, I think being virtual is going to surprise you how much more people are going to be involved in it.

Wendy Sweet (35:33):
Your reach is so much greater.

Bill Fairman (35:35):
I've been attending the generosity law firms conferences for years. And we, we typically have what, 60, 50, 60 people in each little speaking room typically, well, they just had to do a virtual summit and they had more than a hundred in every single class. Now, how, how engaged were they? Because, you know, they may be on there, but they also probably have kids running around in the back and find do other work.

Wendy Sweet (36:05):
You turn it on while you're trying to hit emails too. Right?

Bill Fairman (36:07):
So, my advice to those that are attending, Don't have a phone in the room with you. Shut the door behind you and pay attention to what's going on a lot of stuff that you miss and take notes. Eventhough you're getting recordings.

Wendy Sweet (36:26):
That's right. We really want to thank you so much for joining us on this show. You're going to join us again at 1:05. Is that the time that it starts? At 1:05 with other women as well? We're going to be able to get a little more in depth about about women in general and business and how we got started and just all that good stuff. So we thank you so much that it's been absolutely awesome. And I can't wait to get into the summit and see how it goes. I know it'll be really, really well.

Liz Faircloth (37:03):
Thank you so much for having me on this is an actual pleasure. So the three of you, thank you so much and excited to, you know, hopefully share a little bit of knowledge here and help a lot of women.

Wendy Sweet (37:13):

Bill Fairman (37:15):
It's a pleasure now, but wait until you spend another 45 minutes.

Liz Faircloth (37:20):
Oh, we had dinner. We had dinner together. We enjoyed each other's company. You guys are great. So,

Bill Fairman (37:28):
So again, audience, thank you so much for joining us. If you have any questions about us If you're a borrower, press the borrower tab. If you're an investor, press the investor tab. And what I mean by that, not someone that is building a house investor means you're investing your money.

Wendy Sweet (37:50):
Lender investor.

Bill Fairman (37:51):
Please. Don't forget to subscribe and share and like, and all that good stuff.

Wendy Sweet (37:57):
All that Millenials stuff.

Bill Fairman (37:57):
We'll see you guys in about 15 minutes on the one o'clock show. If you want to tune in. Thanks so much, have a great day.

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