Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Always use the right ‘Rental Agreement’ that will protect you #51

Lou Brown has been buying, selling and holding property for 40 years and you are about to discover what a lot of so called gurus are missing.
* How to buy all the property you want without ever visiting a single bank or needing to qualify for a loan…
* How to have a buyer or renter before you even buy property…
* How to have them already pay you money before you sold them anything…

These are exactly the kinds of deals he does day in and day out. Most ‘investors’ are getting it wrong. It’s not about the property, it’s about the buyer. Buying right and buying cheap is what you’ll do after you have the buyer.


Hi! It's Lou Brown. I am back with another one of my 101
cash flow accelerators. And this is number 51. Always use the right rental
agreement that will protect you. Well, I'll tell you what, over the years I've
definitely learned that paperwork matters. And if you're serious about this
business, you've got to understand that you are in a contract related business.
That you're going to contract with sellers, you've got to contract with buyers,
you're going to contract with occupants of your property. Sometimes they're
renters, sometimes they're buyers. And having the right paperwork is an
absolutely critical step in the process. And by that I mean that you have to
have paperwork that protects you, that negotiates for you, and that covers your
assets. When things get a little wonky, as they sometimes do with crazy people,
that might move into your property. So what happens is that we give you the
tools to be able to do that.
Now, we created many years ago, something we call the
Standard Rental Agreement. I literally had a whole group of votes come meet
with me, bring their rental agreement, and we sat down and hashed out an
amazing rental agreement that started about 30 years ago, in fact. And over the
years, every year I do a process of review. Now I have a level of clients that
have been studying and take our system and what happens is all of them review
the agreement every year for any changes or suggestions, and then we publish a
new agreement every year. So updating your paperwork is also a critical piece.
As laws change, as dynamics change, as humans change, we need to make sure that
we have the right words and it matters a word, a phrase, a sentence, a
paragraph. Those are solutions to problems that could present themselves at a
later time. Now in the rental agreement, it can contain some additional things
we call profit centers or additional income that is available to you in your
Now when I say additional income, this is over and above
what you make, the difference between your mortgage payment and what you rent
the property for. No, this is much more than that. We have about 25 different
profit centers that are available to you in your business. That fees, that
rent, extra person rent, additional rent, maintenance taken care of by your
client. Under certain circumstances. There's levels of things that can be
covered in behaviors. And so the right rental agreement actually controls the
behavior of the person that's going to be occupying your property. So having
the right documentation allows you to fall back on not being emotional, not
getting upset, but actually going back to reflect the agreement was in the
beginning. How important is that? The agreement in the beginning is critical so
that you can always use that as a platform. In discussions with your client.
We've even already written letters when they don't do what
they're supposed to do. We've already got a letter for that. Now that's in my
volume eight Property Management. Where we have all the letters or someone to
actually be able to fall back on what was agreed to because it's excerpted out
of the agreement and put it right into the letter that you now send to the
client. So check out our Standard Rental Agreement. It's located in volume two
Selling and Holding. And also in volume eight Property Management. Like this.
Share this. And subscribe to our YouTube channel. I'll see you soon. Yeah,
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