Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Real Wealth is in The Holding of Property #50

Lou Brown has been buying, selling and holding property for 40 years and you are about to discover what a lot of so called gurus are missing.
* How to buy all the property you want without ever visiting a single bank or needing to qualify for a loan…
* How to have a buyer or renter before you even buy property…
* How to have them already pay you money before you sold them anything…

These are exactly the kinds of deals he does day in and day out. Most ‘investors’ are getting it wrong. It’s not about the property, it’s about the buyer. Buying right and buying cheap is what you’ll do after you have the buyer.


Hi! It's Lou Brown. Back with another one of my 101 Street
Smart cash flow accelerators. I love teaching these. It's got a lot of great
information. This segment we're going to focus on managing. So number 50 Buy
Right so you can keep some of your fines. The real wealth is in the holding of
the property. And I couldn't emphasize that more. I couldn't be a better
testimony to that fact that we have bought right and held over many, many years
and given people the opportunity to someday end up with home ownership. And as
a result, we've got great cash flow and great residents that live in the homes.
So one of the things that you're looking for is when you purchase the property,
you're looking at financing because when you use hard money financing, it's usually
limited to three, six months, maybe a year, and then you're done.
You better have that house bought, fixed up and sold
within that period of time or the lender could actually call the loan due. I
don't like that program. Your second option is you could go to the bank and
qualify for a loan and get a brand new 30 year or 15 year loan. I don't like
that program either. First of all, you have to put up your own credit, you have
to put up your significant down payment. Typically when it's investment property
and they don't count the rent as big, as strong as the amount of rent you're
actually receiving towards your being able to qualify for the loans. Also
there's limitations on the number of loans you can get. So I really don't like
going to banks and qualifying for loans and guys, I am a testimony to the fact
that you don't have to do that.
I have been buying, holding and selling property now for
over 40 years. I've never been to the bank. I've never qualified for a loan on
a single family or small multifamily property and you can too. And you know the
cool thing is I teach you the scripts and what to say and how to say it because
when we buy right at the beginning, then the seller becomes the bank. I'm going
to get in a couple of ways. One is I can take over their existing financing on
the property and the second is if there's equity in the property, they can be
the bank for me. And so I teach you exactly how to present that to the seller
so that the seller sees what's in it for them and what makes sense for them to
actually do when they are becoming the bank for you, the buyer. It's an amazing
process and when we say, so you can keep some of your funds. Well, what this
allows you to do if you've got long term financing from your seller, now you
can offer long term financing to your buyer and you can actually put yourself
in the position to be the bank. Instead of sending your buyers to the bank,
instead of you going to the bank, you can actually be the bank. How cool is
that? Yeah, baby! Like this. Share this. Subscribe. I want to see you again
soon. Talk to you and join me at my upcoming event. for more information, 1-800-578-8580 see you soon.
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