Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hold Your Personal Property Such As Autos In A PP Trust (2 Of 7 In Lou's...

Hi! It's Lou Brown. With another one of my 101 ways for
real estate investors like you to win, close more deals and accelerate your
cash flow. Today's tip is number 44. Hold your personal property such as Autos
in a personal property trust. So in the last tip I was sharing with you about a
thing called land trust, there's another kind of trust that I dearly love
called a Personal Property Trust. Now a Personal Property Trust is a different
kind of trust than a land trust. Personal property trust holds, guess what?
Personal property. So in other words, a land trust, duh? Holds land. So in
other words, if it has a legal description attached to it, then that goes into
a land trust. A personal property trust. On the other hand, is everything else
in your life. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, bank accounts, CDs, CDOs, mobile
homes, motor home, gun collections, coin collections, everything else in your
life can be held in a personal property trust.

How powerful is that? And yes, I said vehicles. Think
about the highest liability thing that you probably have in your life. It's
that vehicle. And Oh my gosh, if you've got teenagers, it's not if but when
they're going to have a wreck. And all of a sudden now that can fall back on
the parents and if there's a judgment, everything that you own is literally at
risk. Now, am I trying to terrorize you? Absolutely. I want you to understand
just how important and powerful it is that when you own assets in your own
name, you are completely at risk. In the United States of America, 82,000
lawsuits filed everyday in this country. Most litigious society on the planet,
95% of the world's litigation, something that we should not be proud of. And so
the only thing we can really do is to plan in advance and make sure that we
can't lose. Now, I encourage you to go to and look at
click on tools and look at volume five Personal Property Trusts. I'd love to
share more of my profitable tips with you. How can you get more? We'll simply,
wherever you've seen this. Click on, I like it. I love it. I'm going to share
this with other people. I would really do appreciate that if you would do that.
And I look forward to seeing you soon. Yeah, baby!
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