Wednesday, April 29, 2020

How To Avoid The Due Upon Sale Clause Legally And Easily(6 Of 7 In Lou's...

Avoid the due upon sale clause requirement legally using trusts. One of the most powerful things is wouldn't you agree if you didn't have to go to the bank and you didn't have to qualify for a loan and you could actually buy real estate, wouldn't that be awesome? And you don't have to put up your credit report and you don't have to pay a bunch of fees. The cost of the loan and all those things could be eliminated if you simply negotiate with the seller as I've shared with you and other tips and take over their existing financing on the property, take over the payments on the property.
While you can do that with a powerful thing called trusts, you see, trusts are one of the exemptions to the due upon sale clause. When the property is placed into trust, the lender is prohibited from calling the loan due, so even your own personal residence, when you place that into trust, guess what? The lender can't call the loan due because of that exception in the law.
Imagine that you could take over somebody else's trust and just continue to make the payments, I teach you how to do that. It's a powerful thing. It begins on page one 48 of this amazing system called land trusts. If you'd like to learn more about that, simply go to click on tools and click on land trusts and we'd be glad to share with you more about that. It's a truly amazing thing that has made me huge profits.
Again, think if you do one house without going to the bank and qualify for a loan, think about 10 think about 20 think about a hundred. It's just amazingly powerful. I'm going to make this caveat. If you agree to make the payments, if you tell the seller you're going to make the payments, you absolutely, positively must make those payments. We're not going to put our sellers at risk. We're not going to put them in a position where they could get hurt. They're giving you an amazing opportunity and amazing gift.
So we always want to treat that with reverence and thanked thankfulness and make sure that you do what you're supposed to do when you take advantage of this powerful tool to be able to take over existing financing.


Hi! It's Lou Brown. With another of my 101 ways for real
estate investors like you to win, close more deals and accelerate your cash
flow. Today's tip is number 48. Avoid the due upon sale clause requirement
legally using trusts. So in this series I've been sharing with you about this
powerful thing called trusts and particularly land trust. Well one of the most
powerful things is wouldn't you agree if you didn't have to go to the bank and
you didn't have to qualify for a loan and you could actually buy real estate,
wouldn't that be awesome? And you don't have to put up your credit report and
you don't have to pay a bunch of fees. The cost of the loan and all those
things could be eliminated if you simply negotiate with the seller as I've
shared with you and other tips and take over their existing financing on the
property, take over the payments on the property.
Well you can do that with a powerful thing called trusts,
you see, trusts are one of the exemptions to the due upon sale clause. When the
property is placed into trust, the lender is prohibited from calling the loan
due. So even your own personal residence, when you place that into trust, guess
what? The lender can't call the loan due because of that exception in the law.
Now imagine that you could take over somebody else's trust and just continue to
make the payments, so I teach you how to do that. It's a powerful thing. It
begins on page 148 of this amazing system called Land Trusts. If you'd like to
learn more about that, simply go to click on tools and
click on Land Trusts. We'd be glad to share with you more about that. It's a
truly amazing thing that has made me huge profits.
Again, think if you do one house without going to the bank
and qualify for a loan, think about 10 think about 20 think about a 100. Wow!
It's just amazingly powerful. Now, I'm going to make this caveat. If you agree
to make the payments, if you tell the seller you're going to make the payments,
you absolutely, positively must make those payments. We're not going to put our
sellers at risk. We're not going to put them in a position where they could get
hurt. They're giving you an amazing opportunity and amazing gift. So we always
want to treat that with reverence and thankfulness and make sure that you do
what you're supposed to do when you take advantage of this powerful tool to be
able to take over existing financing.
Well, I hope this has been of benefit to you today. I hope
you've enjoyed it. I so look forward to seeing you again soon. And by the way,
if you'd like to have more of these, wherever you've seen this, I want you to
please do for me. Like it. Love it. Share it. Comment on it. Share it with your
friends and family. We so much appreciate that. Thank you for watching today
and I look forward to seeing you soon. Yeah, baby!
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