Tuesday, April 21, 2020

References #72

Hi, it's Lou Brown. I'm your local certified affordable
housing provider. We help people to end up with home ownership regardless of
credit or financial background.

I'm back with another of my 101 cash flow accelerators and
I wanted you to know that it's so important when you are in the area of
renovating property that you always get references, on the contractors that
you're going to do business with. Now let me warn you and alert you that
references sometimes are setups as well. Do you think that the contractor is
going to give you people that are going to give them a bad reference? No.
They're going to give you people that are going to give them a good reference
like their momma, their brother-in-law, other people in their life. So what
you're looking for is references that are recent references that they had work
done, say within the last few months.
And you definitely want to interview those folks. You want
to find out what's going on in their world. You know, did the contractor live
up to the budget that you entered into? Did they chisel you for more money
along the way? Did they adjust the timeframe? Did they get the job done and did
they clean up their debris? Did they do it in a professional manner? Did they
leave the site clean every day? And obviously the references you want to get
are more relative to the size of project that you're doing. If you're about to
do a $20,000 renovation and they're giving you a reference on a project that
cost $1,000, well that's hardly comparable, so you want comparable references.
I hope this was of value to you. Like this. Love this.
Share this. And do subscribe. See you soon. Yeah, baby.
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