Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Charge Pet Fees #53

Lou Brown has been buying, selling and holding property for 40 years and you are about to discover what a lot of so called gurus are missing.
* How to buy all the property you want without ever visiting a single bank or needing to qualify for a loan…
* How to have a buyer or renter before you even buy property…
* How to have them already pay you money before you sold them anything…

These are exactly the kinds of deals he does day in and day out. Most ‘investors’ are getting it wrong. It’s not about the property, it’s about the buyer. Buying right and buying cheap is what you’ll do after you have the buyer.


Welcome! It's Lou Brown with another one of my 101 Street
Smart cash flow accelerators. And in this one, in this series I've been talking
about when managing property and having the right agreement and in that
agreement can be certain things that definitely will put you in a position of
success. And this one is Charge Pet Fees. Listen, when people have animals,
they love those animals in some cases more than they love their children. The
animal comes to them, they wag their tail, they love that animal. The animal
loves the person and everything is so cool. And so people are willing to pay
for these animals. Now imagine that when someone discloses on their application
that they have animals, we will allow upto two. Now we're mainly focused in the
single family business. We do have multi-families. I've done many, many
multi-families in the past and we definitely also want to attract people that
want to stay.
Many landlords prohibit any kind of pet. Well, what does
that create? That creates an unhappy camper. Listen, human beings love to take
care of other things, other beings on the planet and human beings love to have
pets. Again, something that's going to love them back and so when we charge for
pet fees, people willingly pay it and watch this one. It can also create a
client that's going to stay longer because they may have trouble other places
that will accept pets. When we have no problem with it. We're wanting to set
these people up on what we call our path to home ownership where they can end
up purchasing that property or a different property from us in the future. So
we're very excited about them bringing their pets. Now we limited to two pets.
We want to know what kind of pets they are. We definitely want to vet that pet.
There's even that will check out that pet
and they can pay a fee for that, but we charge a pet fee of $500 per pet and we
charge a monthly rent on that pet anywhere from 15 to $25 per pet per month.
Now that's enough. Ooh, that's a great thing. Now there's certain language
again, so this is where having the right agreement comes into play. Now that
agreement is our Standard Rental Agreement, and that's in my volume two Selling
and Holding. And also in volume eight Property Management. I definitely
encourage you to get that, read that agreement, and you're going to find some
amazing profit centers that are built in also protections for you in your
business. Hey, I've been at this game over 40 years of buying, holding, and
selling property, and I can tell you it's very critical that you have the right
paperwork and that paperwork can bring you a whole lot of additional cash flow
on a monthly basis. So it's very valuable for you to have the tools necessary
to make this work.
I hope you like this. That you share this. And that you
join my channel. Subscribe. Yeah, baby! See you soon.
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