Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays as we end 2020! - Lou Brown

Lou would like to greet everyone a very Merry Christmas!

This is the time to celebrate. The year 2020 is almost over and we are entering the New Year!

Get ready to face an amazing 2021 and the great things that are coming into your life.

Let’s look forward to having incredible events and happenings for this year.

Good Luck! Good Health! And May God Bless Us All!

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Hi! It's Lou and I just wanted to say, Merry Christmas! I hope you have an amazing Christmas. Happy holidays! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Whatever you celebrate, I just hope that this has been a great time for you to get together with your family and just rejoice and give thanks in gratitude for everything that we have. First of all, this has been an amazing year. Hasn't it? And hopefully, 2021 is going to be a whole new thing. You know, this week alone, we've had the winter solstice start with the shortest days and the longest night. We had the alignment of Saturn and creation of the Bethlehem star and things that the planets are aligned. They said it hadn't been this close since 1623 and the star of Bethlehem. And it hadn't been this bright for 800 years. And this is the beginning of Aquarius as well, which is, Hey, Pisces was a long time, a lot of crying, a lot of emotion, things like that.

And they say the age of Aquarius is a time of prosperity, happiness, harmony, and understanding sympathy and trust the bounding, no more falsehoods or derision, golden living dreams of visions, right? If you remember that from your childhood, but that is something that is amazing. The time that we're in right now, embrace it. Look forward to 2021, make some plans now, look forward to another amazing year and I'll just want to say, take this time to get with your family. Hug. Love, forget about the masks. Forget about the worries. And let's have a great time. Merry Christmas. Yeah, baby!

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