Monday, May 18, 2020

Sell Your Property to Tenants #97

Lou Brown has been buying, selling and holding property for 40 years and you are about to discover what a lot of so called gurus are missing.
* How to buy all the property you want without ever visiting a single bank or needing to qualify for a loan…
* How to have a buyer or renter before you even buy property…
* How to have them already pay you money before you sold them anything…
These are exactly the kinds of deals he does day in and day out. Most 'investors' are getting it wrong. It's not about the property, it's about the buyer. Buying right and buying cheap is what you'll do after you have the buyer.
Hi! It's Lou Brown. I'm back with another of my hundred
and one cash flow accelerators. And today we're talking about one of my
favorite topics. And this is "Selling the property you have to your
resident". And it's a concept that's evolved over many years. You know, I
started looking at my business and really seeing where I had the pain. And the
suffering. And the expenses. And the costs. And I said, where is it that I can
evolve my business? Or how is it that I can evolve my business where I don't have
the problems that other people have in their business? And I found out that
landlords, pretty much, are dealing with people with a mindset of tenants. And
what happens is landlords get left with a trashed property. They have to come
in, they have to clean everything up, get it ready for the next people.
It's costing them money on a daily basis while that
property is down and out. Can't be marketed to the market. And I've discovered
that there's a whole other way to work with people. And that's to give them an
opportunity to change their lives. And what evolved over the years is something
we call the path to home ownership. Where we help deserving families regardless
of credit or financial background to end up with home ownership. And in fact we
even provide them with a book. It's called "Never Pay Rent Again. The path
to home ownership." And it gives people the opportunity to really learn
more about what their future can look like. We even have and we market in our
local markets, a brochure that has everything and the whole story about how
they can end up with home ownership.
And one of the things that we're geared towards is when
people have enough down payment, then we want to give them the opportunity at
home ownership. And so, they can grow on our path to home ownership to get to
what we call the gold level. And that is owner financing. Seller financing.
That's when you become the bank for your buyer on something we call the
agreement for deed. So we're not giving the people the deed to the property until
they pay us off in full. We're giving them an agreement or getting the deed and
over the payments. They're paying principal, interests, taxes and insurance.
And they're getting the full tax benefits from that. And as soon as they get
good enough credit and good enough down payment, then we are giving them the
deed to the property. So they could increase their down payment, for example.
They could get the deed. They could get better credit. They could get the deed.
So, this is in the situation where you're taking some risk and as a result you
want to be able to protect yourself in taking that risk. And that is hanging
onto the deed.
Now we're not saying that we're going to, you know, hoodoo
or hoodwink anybody. We want people to win. We want them to end up with home
ownership if at all possible. We just need to protect ourselves along the way
because there are situations and reasons that people have less than perfect
credit. And we definitely want to give them the deed as soon as they get good
enough credit. So hopefully this is of help to you. When you can be the bank.
There's amazing benefits. And the income that can come from that for a year,
two years, five years or 40 years. And now you've got a beautiful retirement
plan set up for yourself. Learn more about this at Also
check out becoming a Certified Affordable Housing Provider at And I will see you soon. Yeah, baby!

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